Welcome Baby.....Part 1

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Yes that'sJahmaine guys xx

Amiras *POV*

I received a call from the hospital today, they told me there taking Jahmaine off his ventilator  earlier than I thought they would. There taking it off today.

I had already dressed up and things, I was waiting from my dad to clock off work so we could drive there together. I was so excited, I called round Mustafa and Abu to come with me to go see him. And obviously my Dad. Aisha wanted to come but I still didn't want her around Mustafa.

Mustafa and Abu had already reached the house and we waited impatiently for Dad in the living room.

"Tell me that you need me, Tell me that you want me" Abu sang. I then looked over at him.

"Are you okay in your head?" I asked rubbing my stomach. I've been having a couple of pains these days I knew I was so close to giving birth, I was just hoping these tummy pains don't happen again.

"I'm just trying to lighten the mood" he said poking me with one of his crutches. Mustafa then laughed and poked me with one of his crutches as well.

"Can you guys stop" I said. They then carried on until I grabbed both their crutches and chucked them behind the chair.

"You guys are so childish at times" I said.

"Amira, that wasn't very nice" Mustafa said

"Your face ain't very nice" I said

"Ooooh burn" Abu said

"Whatever" Mustafa said pulling out his phone.  I looked at the TV reflection and fixed my scarf and makeup. I can't believe I might be seeing my husband wake up today . I just miss him so much.

I heard the door open and I got up from my seat, I walked out the living room door and saw daddy.

"Asalam aleikum papa" I said hugging him

"Waleikum salam angel" he said "Where's Abu and Mustafa?"

"In the livingroom" I said  "I'll call them to come". I then poked my head through the door and saw Mustafa picking up both their crutches, and handing one to Abu.

"Lets go guys"

I sat in the back seat in the car next to Mustafa, we where playing naughts and crosses to occupy ourselves.

"I won" I said

"Your such a cheat" he said

"No there's just a few tricks you need to know about in this game"

"No your just a cheat"

"Mustafa accept the fact, that am better than you at everything" I said

"Not true" he said

"Amira I'm better than you at everything though" Abu said

"And who told you to involve yourself" I said

"Amira your so lucky your pregnant right now, I don't like your tone" Abu said

"Even if I wasn't preggers I'd still handle you" I said laughing "like I used to when I was 7"

"Shut up" he said smiling. 

"Anyway Amira are you planning to go back to your house as soon as Jahmaine is better?" Mustafa asked

"I don't know yet, he needs someone to look after him" I said 

"I could look after him, I'm getting my cast taken off next week so..." Abu said

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