Chapter 4: Nikah

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*Amiras POV*

"IM GETTING MARRIED TODAY!" I screamed jumping out of the bed in excitement, I woke up all the others one by one and they just chucked there pillows at me and moaned while I still yelled in joy.

After 5 minutes of getting everyone awake and ready, I went into the shower and got dressed in a white tracksuit but put an abaya over it to pray my Swalah, I didn't want to put on my dress In case I got it messy.

I sat in my bedroom, I wasn't allowed to go downstairs until I was completly dressed and fed, so I used everyone else as my slaves in the meantime, gosh I was so excited. I sat on a chair looking through the mirror, I know I may sound a bit vain for saying this but I was really proud of myself, from a bad car accident to getting married to a wonderful man, I had come really far indeed.

  I was kind of nervous though, after getting married I would be going to my husbands house Inshallah, It felt weird saying husband, but It was actually going to be fun, his family were kind and loving and had already welcomed me into the family as his Fiancè, but not as his wife so I was also nervous about that, but hopefully everything would go well.

"Amira!" my mum called from behind the door.

"The makeup artists are here" She sang she came in handing me a cup of tea and some croissants, with 2 makeup artist following her and my sisters. We all sat down on my bed and the makeup artists prepared there makeup equipment, I could see a range of brushes in pots, and a variety of different eyeshawdows along with foundations, powders, eyeliners, mascara and blushes.

"Ok well lets get Aisha and Ariana up first" I said sipping my tea

"What style do you want for your maids?" The makeup artist asked in a new york accent.

"Well smokey eyes for them both,and a light pink theme" I said

"good choice" Aisha said sipping her tea, I winked at her.

"I can't believe my second daughters getting married" My mum said.

"Yep neither do I, and we have 3 hours to get ready before we go to mosque." I said checking my watch

"It's 7:21AM now, so we'll all be dressed by 9" Ariana said

"sounds like plan" I said, bitting into my croissant.

"before we know it Aisha will be getting married" My mum said, Aisha glanced over at her

"Im only 16 mum!"

"I say we get her married at 30!" Ariana said teasfully.

"No way" Aisha said

"How about 26 Inshallah" I suggested

"perfect" she said smiling."Not young like all of you", she said, I chuckled.

"Im only 21, thats a perfect age, Arianas the one that married young" I said

"I was 18, thats fine Mum was 15!" she exclaimed

"Well I lived in a different society, things were different!" mum said

"There was a 3 year gap for all of you!" Aisha said

"What a coincidence"

"You'll probably be 24" Ariana said to Aisha.

after 30 minutes of talking about marriage and things, Ariana and Aisha had both finished there makeup, they both looked so beautiful mashallah.

Next up was me and my Mum, 3 hairdressers had already come and where working on Me, Ariana and Aishas hair, My mum was going to wear a sparkly red headscarf.

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