Used To This Marriage

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*Amiras POV*

It's been a week and a couple of days since I got married and things were beginning to get hard. Why?, well I was juggling a lot of things all at once. Being a wife to my Husband and spending time with him, trying to be a big sister to my little sister and giving her advice, and trying to be a good student to my teacher and handing in my work on time. I just needed space, basically some time alone, and I definately wasn't going to get that any time soon.

My walima was this saturday and I had something to look forward to, me and Jahmaine had booked our honeymoon to Hawaii for 3 weeks Instead, something else to look forward to.

I sat in the lab thinking 'How did I get here?' 5 months ago I was just some unmarried girl and now here I am.

"So look at the anatomy, and see how the Pharynx is structured" Dr Nelson said. He was my teacher, he said I really have potential to be a doctor and how I should fo go for It, he also said after graduating I can do another year and actually become a doctor.

"yep" I said getting up, I was in the hospital, observing a live surgery while Dr Nelson talked me through it.

"Understand how the nurse job is to help the doctor, like a magicians assistant" he said

"yeah, I've really been thinking about doing an extra year and actually becoming a doctor" I said smiling.

"Go for It!, your knowledge is way higher than a nurses level, it's doctors level" he said

now that really encouraged me, knowing that Im 'Doctors Level'

"I'll have to think about it more, I'm not sure If you know but I got married a while ago" I told him.

"oh really, aaah congratulations!" he said cheering, the other doctors looked at him, well we were in the middle of a surgery.

"thank you" I whispered writing down some notes.

*Jahmaines POV*

"She's nearly 5 months" Abu said, talking about Hanifa.

"Inshallah brother" I replied

Me and Amira haven't really thought about kids yet, to be honest I didn't want them just yet, because I wanted to be with my wife more and get to know her. But Inshallah in the future we planned to have kids.

"so how's my sister aka your wife?" Abu asked.

"she's good, really good" I said

"okay cool, well I can't stop for long because I have to go to some scan, talk soon brother"

"Asalam aleikum Dad to be" I said shaking his hands and slapping him on the back of his neck hard. He flinched and squealed a bit which set me off.

"I'll get you back next time" he said walking out the door.

Oh how I missed Amira, I haven't seen her for 2 days as she was at her parents house. We haven't been married for long and we'd already spent 2 days without seeing eachother, I'd say were occupied and too many obstacles in the way. I couldn't wait till we went on out honeymoon, stress free. I packed my bag and made my way to the gym to occupy myself and to stay fit.

*Amiras POV*

"So you've just observed your second surgery" Dr Nelson said

"Indeed, and thank you by the way for all the encouragment; you really motivated me" I said

"Anyday, anytime" he said walking into his office, he picked up a paper and handed it to me.

"Whats this?" I asked

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