For better for worse

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*Jahmaines POV*

I loved Amira so much, and up to now my heart still raced whenever I was around her, It was ramadan very soon and I was happy to celebrate and spend ramadan with my wife. I was a bit sad she was leaving soon, but I couldn't wait until she came back so we could properly celebrate her birthday and graduation.

"I've always wanted to go to Kenya" Amira said ironing a couple of clothes.

"Why?" I asked

"I don't know, It just seems like a nice country" she said handing me my shirt.

"It is a nice country" I said

"Wait, have you been there?" she asked turning around.


"Oh my Allah, you've like been everywhere" She said

"Yeah, a lot of buisness trips with my Dad" I replied standing up

"need any help?" I asked putting my hands on her shoulders

"No, Im nearly done with this anyway"

"Any plans for today?" I asked her, she then thought for a bit.

"We could go visit Laila" she said

"Oh yeah, has she seen Raheem ever since?"

"I called up Abu and they had like 2 meetings together ever since, apparently Its going well" Amira said

"Allhamdilulah, they'll get married Inshallah" I said

"It reminds me of when I was getting married" Amira said smiling

"You only got married 5 months ago" I said

"Yeah, but 5 months seems like a lot" She said

"Oh, so what are you implying?" I asked

"nothing, Im just happy that we've been married for 5 months" she exclamied.

"I know, so am I, before we know It, we'd have been married for a year" I said

"Inshallah" she said kissing my cheek.

We then prayed Zuhr and prepared to go see Laila, I sent her a text telling her we was coming and she replied saying that she'd love for us to come over and Abu and Nifa and the baby were already there. We got Into the car and picked up some dvd's and snacks on the way there, as soon as we reached Lailas house, all she could talk about was Raheem.

"When I marry Raheem I wanna have the Nikah at my Grandmas house" Laila said

"You don't even know If he wants to marry you yet" Abu said, Nifa then budged him on the arm

"Of course he will" Nifa said

"Yeah but we can't read his mind, he might have someone else in mind" I said, Amira then budged me on the arm as well.

"Exactly" Abu said high fiving me

"How could you guys be so emotionless" Amira said slapping Abu on the head.

"Exactly" Nifa said high fiving Amira, It was a bit like a tag-team, and Laila was in the middle.

"Ow" Abu said rubbing his head

"Lets just go upstairs" Laila said standing up, the ladies all then got up and made there way upstairs.

"Good Lord, I think Its that time If you know what I mean" Abu said laughing, I then laughed along with him.

"I'm pretty sure, Raheem will want to marry her" I said

"Yeah, his keen on her, I was talking to him a couple of days ago and he told me how he wants to propose soon" Abu said

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