Chapter 22: كنا الحصول على مكان ما - We were getting Somewhere

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Jahmaine's *POV*

Amira was 29 weeks pregnant, and she couldn't resist me. Altough she's meant to be staying with her mum, she's been here for a week now and still was.

"Good morning" she said getting up and slightly bouncing on the bed.

"Ayy, your heavy do you know that?" I said

"Shut up" she said chucking a pillow at me "Your rude"

"Im trying to sleep" I said

"Wake up babe, I'm feeling lively" she said

"don't care" I mumbled "It's 10AM" 

"Jahmaine, my dads coming to pick me up today, so you may as well make the most of it with me being here"

"I'll do that at 12" I said

"Whatever, Im going to go eat" she said going downstairs.

3 hours later.

I had only just woken up, I had a quick shower and come downstairs and saw Amira in the kitchen cleaning. For some reason she'd dressed up and looked really nice not that she don't always look nice. But she looked more than dressed for a casual day.

"You look nice" I Said.

"Thanks" she said walking over to me and kissing me "I made you brunch" she said, I then looked over and saw a meal prepared. Sausages, eggs and fried potatoes.

"Aww thank you" I said walking over.

"It's fine, got to keep my man well fed" she said. She literally watched me eat for the whole 10 minutes which was slightly weird, but oh well. I'd rather her be here watching me eat, than her all the way at her mums house.

"That was delicious, thank you" I said

"No problem" she said taking my plate and washing it up. Why was she suddenly treating me like a King? She wasn't pranking me was she? What if she did something to my food? No she wouldn't do that. Or would she?

"So what do you want to do today?" I asked

"I was thinking we could finish decorating the baby's room" she said

"Yeah that would be good" I said getting up, "the earlier we start the better"

"True, let's go then" she said picking up a paint bucket from straight under the cupboard. It's almost like she knew we were doing this today.

"So, you could start painting the room, although the baby will be sleeping with us, it feels nice to see the room ready" she said

"But when you give birth won't you be with your mum first?" I asked

"No. When I give birth to our baby I'm coming straight to you, I won't let you miss out the first few weeks of our baby's life"

I then smiled at what she said, that was sweet. I had so much doubts when she left, I thought that she wouldn't want to come back and she'd block me out, but she's becoming closer to me everyday. I'm the father of the kid, of course I'd be part of my baby's life, it's not like were divorced or anything. That reminds me, Laila and Raheems divorce. I needed to go see Raheem and talk to this crazy guy.

"I can't wait for her to be here" I said holding Amiras tummy.

"Neither can I. We'd have our own little family" Amira said

"Wouldn't it be great if we have a boy next" I said

"Who said we're having another baby" Amira said walking off, literally strutting and looking behind while doing it. I then followed her and we went upstairs to the baby's room. There was a lot of work to be done.

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