New Years Special- The Chase

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*Amiras POV*

"Jahmaine?" I asked "What's this big secret?" I said as I walked towards him.

"Amira, there's no big secret, he has no idea what he's talking about" He said. 

"Yes he does" Maryam said stepping out the car. I was so shocked and confused.

"You have a nerve, showing your face" I said looking her up and down as I noticed something off about the way she stood.

She then smirked as the corners of her mouth lifted. "Jahmaine should appreciate me showing my face" she said

"I really don't" he said backing away from her.

"Amira let's just go" Mustafa said walking forward.

"No, I want to know the real reason why you both decided to come all the way here and show your disgusting faces. And why your both trying to ruin my marriage" I said 

"Amira, can't you see how sick they both are. Please go back inisde"

"No Jahmaine, I dont wan't them to feel like they've won because they haven't. So go on, tell me what this massive made up secret is then" I said

"Jahmaine really ain't who you think he is" Maryam said "You know, the kind, gentle PURE husband" she said "That ain't him" I then looked over at Jahmaine.

"I don't believe a word you say, you don't even know him like I do" I said as I looked at my husband.

Maryam then chuckled. "Are you sure about that?" she said 

"Maryam. Don't" Jahmaine then said. I then looked over at him again. 

"What do you mean 'Maryam. Don't'?" I asked with a puzzled look.

"There's no point of her wasting her time, we both know shes lying" He said. I then looked out into the road and saw my dads car roll up. 

"Do I have to punch you in your face again!" Abu said coming out of the car, Raheem then smirked and walked towards me. Abu then came looking so angry. "Get away from her!" he shouted. He then came and stood near me. "Amira lets go"

"No, I want to know what's going on!" I said

"What do you mean?" Abu asked

"Jahmine? What is this secret?" I asked, I then walked towards him. "Please tell me" there was then a long pause.

"Amira, it's weird how I targeted for you and Jahmaine isn't it?" Maryam asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked "Yes its weird, but somone messed up like you, you could've done it to anyone"

"No Amira, that's not it. And it's pretty obvious isn't it" Maryam said. I then looked up at Jahmaine.

"Whatever it is I want to hear it from you Jahmaine." He then looked down so queitly. "Jahmaine? Babe please tell me...look I'm shaking"

"Go on Jahmaine tell her!" Raheem said

"SHUT UP!" Abu and Jahmaine said at the same time. 

"You must think your smart don't you" Jahmaine said with an angry expression on his face walking to Maryam and Raheem.
"You're both so messed up in the head" He then looked up at Raheem. "You beat your own wife, and she left you. It's not me or Amiras fault, its your own fault" he said bitterly.

"She still would of been with me though" Raheem said "If it wasn't for her to blurt it out, she still would have been with me" 

"What! So you could beat her even more" Abu said

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