Part 1: Retail

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--Erica's POV--

If one more costumer complains about something out of my control I'm going to hop over this counter and throw punches. I never saw myself working at a corner store but rent has to get paid somehow. It's been nearly a month since I've moved to California. And a month since my parents have stopped talking to me. I was cut off completely, financially and emotionally. It's been hard but I don't regret any of it. I had just enough savings to get a shitty apartment near this place, but luckily I ran into an old friend who took me in.

The front doors of the store open with an obnoxiously ear piercing squeak no one seems to be able to fix. A tall mans head peaks over the shelves as he walks down them. My phone buzzes on the register and it's a text from my friend who is asking about the plan tonight. I get off at 10 pm and it's currently 9:45. I can't wait to get out of here. My asshole manager hasn't made this shift easy.

I hear the man clear his throat and rush to put my phone down. My eyes meet his as he sets a couple things down on the counter, "Sorry to interrupt," he says sounding surprisingly genuine. Normally people give me attitude for doing anything besides working. I've come to learn most people are entitled assholes in LA. I grant him a small smile as I ring up his basket. Suddenly, The guys phone starts ringing scaring me out of my daydream. He quickly goes to answers it, "Maddie, I'm checking out now. I'll be there in 15 minutes," he says before hanging up the phone. He says a quick thank you before walking out of the store.

Thankfully no one else came in and we got out of there exactly at 10. The drive from the store to the apartment is nearly 7 minutes which is nice for me and my gas expenses. After making the traitorous journey of walking 5 flights of stairs I make it to the beautiful apartment labeled 5C. I unlock the front door and see Mickey and Danny sitting on the couch watching tv. I lock the door behind me, while kicking off my shoes and throwing my purse to the floor.

"Tell us about the hot guys of the day," Danny says rolling his eyes.

"I get you hate when Mickey and I talk about hot guys at our jobs but this one was very hot. He was tall, maybe 6'2, and had a birthmark or something over his eye," I smile, grabbing a beer from the fridge and sitting down on the beanbag chair.

"Oh what's his name?" Mickey asks.

"I have no idea but I've never seen him come in before. So, most likely I will never see him again," I say with a dramatic frown.

"I still don't get what you two get from gushing about guys you dont even talk to," He questions, standing up and walking to the fridge with a confused expression. Men will never understand women.

"What do you guys wanna do tonight?" I ask, as Danny sits down with my on the beanbag chair almost falling off. He puts his arm around my shoulder receiving a weird look from Mickey, "Please tell me you guys aren't banging?" she asks, scared of the answer.

"Absolutely not. That would be disgusting," I grimace.

Mickey gives a suspicious eye before clicking resume on the tv show. I can't believe how weird the tv shows Mickey forces Danny to watch are. No offense but Jersey shore type shows are not for me. Once I finally get comfortable on the chair, my phone vibrates in my pocket revealing a text from my manager.

Mike: You have to come in tomorrow for the night shift again

Erica: why?

Mike: cause someone cancelled and I dont want to

Erica: Why do I have to just cause you dont want to

Mike: Come in or you're fired. You will be closing alone btw

I lean my head back and hit Danny's shoulder on accident. He gives me a concerned look so I tilt my phone for him to see and he gives the same annoyed look that's plastered on my face. We were all supposed to go to dinner tomorrow night. Guess not.

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