Chapter 57: The End

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--Erica's POV--

"You want to hold him, Lydia?" I ask as she walks over to the side of the chair I'm sitting in.

"Will I hurt him?" She asks as Buck picks her up from behind and sits her on his lap.

"No you won't hurt him," he says as he gives me an adorable smile. She gives me a look and I slowly get up and watch as Buck sits Lydia down next to him. I slowly hand baby Elliot over to her. She's smiling down at her brother and I quickly take my phone out to take a picture. I could cry from the hormones.

Bucks face matching my own as Lydia starts talking to Eli, "What times Eddie coming?" I mouth as Lydia hands Eli to Buck.

"I think in twenty. Bobby will be here any minute," he says. He nods his head and offers to play dolls with Lydia to get her out of the room.
She grabs her daddy's hand and leads him away after handing me Eli. I hold my hand out as he grabs at my finger making me miss how small Lydia was. This year has flown. I don't know how I've had 2 kids and gotten married all within 5 years.
I set Eli down in a small bassinet I have in the living room and get started. I quickly pull our birthday decorations out of the closet and hang them up. Thankfully Lydia can play dolls for seventeen hours straight without moving. Bobby walks in nearly ten minutes later and sees me struggling to put up the last decoration. He takes the tape and puts it on the all for me before giving me a quick hug.

"Where's the birthday girl?" He asks as I tell him with Buck, "How's the day been this morning?" He asks.

"Eli woke us up screaming at 3 am and he's been on and off since. I felt bad cause Buck missed out on her special birthday breakfast," I tell him.

"He always has that special way of making it up to her," he says as I nod my head. He places his gift on the kitchen counter before placing the wine bottle down.

"Sorry I'm late," Maddie says walking in with a giant gift bag, "Chim couldn't find parking," she says just as he walks in.

"Where's Athena?" I ask.

"She's bringing May later. They are stuck at work," Bobby says. I frown as I give Maddie and Chimney a hug. Right as I go to shut the door the rest of the gang comes in making me smile.

"Welcome. Eli is in the corner," I say looking at Eddie. He runs over smiling to see his nephew. The baby is almost three months old and I feel like everyday Eddie has come over to see him, "Nice to see you too," I joke.

"Hey girlie," Hen says handing me a present. I walk over to Lydia door and open it up with a small knock.

"Hey Lydia, would you mind helping me make some snacks?" I ask to get her out of the room. Buck stands up and helps Lydia to her feet making her laugh. When the three of us walk out everyone yells, "Happy birthday," making her smile. She runs over hugging her best friend grandpa Bobby.

"What's up, little lady?" He asks showing her the bags of presents, "How old are you now 2?" He asks. She shakes her head laughing as he guesses again.

"No, I'm three," she says as he pretends not to know. I look at Buck and his face every time he sees Bobby with her is the best thing I've ever seen. He rubs my shoulder and kisses my head before going to the kitchen. He takes out the charcuterie board out of the fridge that we made early. One thing about waking up early is you get a lot done. I don't think I've seen this place so clean.

"How you doing?" Maddie asks as she walks over to where I'm looking at everybody.

"Good. And I mean that," I tell her as she smirks, "How are you?" I ask.

"Good, and I almost mean that"

"We did pretty good, huh?"

"I think we did alright"

"More than alright," Chim says coming over with a glass of wine. She thanks him as he hands me some juice. I hate not being able to drink while breastfeeding.

"Uncle Chim," Lydia yells as she holds up the gift they got her, "Can I open it?" She asks. He looks at me and I nod my head and he crouches down to help her. This is the perfect life. This is why I moved to California. I didn't know why I did it but I knew I had to. Fate lead me to them. I crashed their little family and added two more. I've never been more in love with Buck than I have been this past year.

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