Chapter 38: gender reveal

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--Erica's POV--

"Push....come on you got this," Evan whispers. I drop my hands onto the counter and stare at him.

"Evan Buckley if you tell me to push one more time I'm going to throw this rolling pin at your head," I threaten as he sits on the counter behind me. We are having a gender reveal party and I had the bright idea to make homemade beignets. Rosie taught me how to make them and she sent me the recipe the other night. I didn't think about how hard mixing the dough would be when I'm blown up like a balloon.

"If you'd just let me help," he says rolling his eyes, "Tell me what you need," he states hopping off the counter.

"I would love it if you would relax before the party. I got this and you've been working all week," I tell him. He gives me an annoyed sigh before planting a kiss on my cheek and walking to the couch. I feel bad for sitting at home all day while he's out making our income. But today should be fun Bobby and Athena told us to throw the party at their house so we can use their backyard.


As we step into their home Blue and pink decorations line the walls, "This is amazing thank you," I whisper as Athena pulls me in for a hug. Everyone is here including Mickey which I'm surprised about. She and Eddie are talking in the corner with Hen and Chimeny.

"What's this?" Buck asks as we walk over to a board with tally marks on it. May runs over with a marker.

"This is everyone's guess for the gender," she says handing me the marker first. I happily tick under the girl's side as Buck marks the boy's side.

"What was your vote?" I ask looking at May.

"Obviously a girl," she says taking the Tupperware container from Buck's hands. I follow her to the kitchen as Buck goes outside to greet everyone. His smile doubles when he gets to Eddie.

"Ahh here's the guest of honor," Bobby says walking over.

"What was your guess?" I ask pointing to the board.

"Girl and Athena was boy I believe?" He says questioning himself. May nods her head and he smiles as he puts the beignets on a plate, "These look amazing," he says walking out to bring them to the other guests.

I stand by the door and watch as everyone mingles and jump when Mickey appears next to me, "I'm still shocked you got pregnant before me," she says making me laugh.

"To be honest me too," I reveal.

"Are you happy?" She asks looking at me as I stare at Buck laughing, "You seem happy," she adds.

"I don't think I've ever been happier," I tell her as I rub my stomach, "A little stressed about naming the child but a good stressed," I tell her.

"Well Mickey Jr is always an option," she says as I playfully roll my eyes, "What are your thoughts?" She asks as we sit down on a small bench off to the side.

"If it's a girl Dakota....and a boy Parker. I will admit that Buck and I decided on that name while watching Spider-Man," I tell her.

"Sounds like you're decided to me," she says sipping on her drink.

"Yeah, but I also like the name Logan and Rosa....for Rosie," I tell her.

"Ooo are we talking about names?" Maddie says as she walks over. We nod our heads and make room for her to sit.

"I know it sounds cliche but when the baby comes you'll know," Maddie tells me making me feel a little better. I see Buck waving us over and he points to the black balloon floating in the yard.

"I'm so excited," I cheer as I walk down to where Buck is standing, "We should have placed a bet on the gender," I joke as he passes me a pin. Everyone gathers around us as May films from the middle. My heart starts beating out of my chest as they all start counting down. Buck holds my hand and we bring them up right next to the ballon. As they make it to one we move it forward slightly hearing the sound of a pop. My eyes widen as pink confetti flies out coloring the grass. Buck wraps his arms around me as we both freak out. No matter what the gender was we would have had the same reaction. He gives me a passionate kiss as our family gathers around us to join in on the celebration.

Mickey runs over and hugs me whispering that she knew it was going to be a girl. Someone always "knows" when in reality it's a 50/50 chance. With that being said I knew she was a girl. Buck and I get separated as the girls talk to me and the guys talk with him, "I feel like so much has happened in the past two years," Maddie says handing me a plate of mac and cheese. I nod my head in agreement as my mouth waters at the sight of this delicacy.

"Erica, would you help me for a second?" Bobby asks. I nod my head and place the plate on the table as I walk over. He leads me to the garage and flicks the switch. My eyes fall out of my head as I take in what's in front of me.

"Bobby....this is...." I whisper speechless. I walk closer and look at the details on the wooden sign. It's baby pink with little ducks and elephants carved into it. Small animals line the edges as swirls come up the sides. The word Nursery is sitting in the middle.

"When you guys find another apartment I'll help you hang it up," he says breaking me out of my trance as he walks over. I wrap my arms around him and try not to cry as he shows me the small details where Buck's name is placed underneath mine.

"I don't even know what to say. It's beautiful," I tell him as the door opens behind us.

"I know right? I didn't even know the old man knew how to carve wood," Buck says walking over. He gives Bobby a quick hug as we all look at the art.

"You two are like the kids I never asked for," he says making us laugh, "I'm proud of you both. I was a little skeptical at first but you two have proved you make a great team," he says smacking his hand down on Buck's shoulder.

"I'm so emotional right now," I whisper wiping the tears from my eyes, "and to think this all started cause I had a shitty job at a corner store," I joke.

"We do owe Chimney. If he wasn't craving salsa then I would have never met you," he says as we rejoin the party.

"I would kill for some salsa," I groan as I walk back to grab my food. When I get back to the table my heart shatters when I realize it's not there anymore. I see Christopher eating it and want to be mad but he seems to be enjoying it. Buck puts his arm around my shoulder as I lean my head on his chest. It's nice seeing everyone together.

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