Part 21: Fallen Card

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--Erica's POV--

Evan had an early shift today but luckily he will be home around 4. He told me to start unpacking so it will actually feel like my apartment as well as his. He cleared out a dresser for me and it's been hard fitting everything but I dont have many clothes anyways. Plus, Mickey said I could keep some clothes in her closet. We normally share clothes anyways.

I was putting some random shit in his hall closet, organizing what he has in it for him. A card falls from the top shelf in front of me. I open it up seeing it's from Christopher telling Buck he's a good firefighter. I grab a frame I had with a picture of Mickey and Killian and put the card in instead. I place it on the wall and smile. There isn't many decorations in this apartment and I dont wanna go around adding a lot without him. I check the time and see he should be home in about 2 hours.

Might as well wait for him to come home and do the rest. I grab a towel from the closet and go into the bathroom. The only thing I hate about LA is the heat. I strip out of my dirty clothes and grab my phone. I turn the speaker on and connect to the bluetooth. I play my punk rock playlist and step into the shower. I sing the lyrics of my favorite Blink-182 song.

I hear my phone ding saying I have a text and ignore it till the end of my shower. The song changes to a Paramore song making me smile thinking about the night at the bar and at the corner store. The only good thing that job brought me was him. All I can think about when I'm with him is him and when I'm away from him the only thing that runs through my brain is him. He's taken over and I'm completely okay with it. A knock sounds at the door making me scream. Bucks voice is heard from the other side letting me catch my breath. He opens the door and sits on the counter. I pop my head out of the shower and ask him what he's doing home.

"We got out early cause the next crew came in. Why don't you sing more?" He asks, biting into an apple, I didn't even notice in his hand. I roll my eyes at him and go back to washing my body.

"Hey, can you check my phone? I think someone texted me," I ask, rinsing the conditioner out of my hair. He finishes chewing before saying it's a random number. I turn off the shower and grab my towel stepping out and standing in front of him.

"It says its from your mother," he tells me. I widen my eyes and take my phone from his hand quickly.

315 - *** - **** -  Erica it's your mother. We are coming into town and would like to see you. Please call me back when you get the chance. We love and miss you

I slam my phone down and tighten my towel around me. I feel Evan look at me and give him a small smile, "My parents are coming into town and they want to see me," I tell him walking out of the bathroom and up the stairs. I grab sweats and a t-shirt from the closet and throw them on the bed. As I'm about to drop my towel when Buck starts hopping up the stairs.

"So, I'm guessing your parents coming into town isn't a good thing?" he says.

"I don't know how they knew I was here. I didn't tell them and they are the ones who stopped talking to me. These past couple months have been one giant trick. Anytime I get close to having my shit together something happens, " I say, running a hand through my hair.

"Hey, everything will be okay. If you don't want to see them who says you have to," He tells me. He runs down the stairs and goes into the kitchen grabbing something. I quickly put on my bra and underwear so I don't feel completely naked. I sit on the bed as he runs up holding two beers. I take it thankfully and fall back onto the bed.

"I almost finished unpacking"

"You can put that in the plus category," he points out. I stand up from the bed taking a sip from my beer and place it on the night stand. I take Bucks beer and put it next to mine. I hang up my towel and go to put on my sweats. Just as I pull them on, Buck pulls me to him.

"What's up?" I ask, feeling his lips move to my neck.

"Let's go out tonight. Trust me I would love to stay in but I wanna go out," I tell him, as he sucks onto the skin. My phone rings on the nightstand making Buck roll his eyes. As I reach for it he pulls me in for a kiss. It's passionate and almost enough to have me stay in. I grab my phone and answer it getting an annoyed look from Buck.

"Hey, everyone is going to the karaoke bar tonight. You guys have to be there," Chim yells through the phone. Loud music almost drowns him out.

"That sounds like fun, we'll be..," I start getting cut off when Buck continues his assault in my neck. I let out a breathy sigh into the phone.

"You okay there?" Chim asks. I feel my cheeks darken and immediately tell him I'm fine and that we will be there.

"What the hell Buckley what was that for?" I ask looking at him.

"Come on let's go," He smiles, throwing my a shirt at me. I slip it on and stand up already regretting saying no.

- - -

"Hey, where did you find this?" he asks taking the card off the wall.

"I was cleaning your closet and it fell down. I thought it was cute so I hung it that okay?" I ask. He kisses the top of my head looking at it, "yeah, I thought I lost it. I looked everywhere for it". I smile as I put on my heels following him to the door. I'm wearing a simple black outfit with some black heels. My whole wardrobe consists of dark colors and I find it funny that Evan has bright colors.

A night out with everyone sounds wonderful.

Falling For the Firefighter  - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now