Chapter 51: sisterly bond

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--Erica's POV--

"Buck?" I call out as I sit up in bed with a cold empty spot beside me. He walks into the bedroom with Lydia in his arms as she's sucking on a fresh bottle, "What time did you get up?" I ask looking at the clock. I see it's almost 12 in the afternoon and cringe as I rub the sleep from my eyes.

"You needed your rest. Maddie dropped her off this morning," he tells me, "Breakfast is on the counter," he tells me as I widen my eyes in delight. I quickly put my pants on and follow after him, seeing waffles and fresh fruit cut up in a bowl.

"Too bad Lydia is here," I tease. I look over my shoulder and see him with an upside-down smile as I giggle to myself, "This is amazing. Thank you," I tell him with a quick kiss on his cheek. He turns his head at the last minute capturing my lips before I walk to the table.

"We should start planning the wedding," he says setting the empty bottle on the table. His hand rubs Lydia's back as he watches me eat.

"We can barely afford pizza on Friday nights with how much we go to the hospital," I tell him as he rolls his eyes playfully, "I'm slowly figuring out the wedding that I'd want. I'm thinking of an emerald green wedding with an earthy vibe to it," I tell him as he nods his head, "But this is your wedding as much as it is mine. Don't just agree to anything I want," I tell him as he laughs.

"Of course. My only demand is that Bobby officiates it," he tells me making me smile.

"I would love that," I tell him as I pop a strawberry into my mouth. He tells me he will be right back and I nod my head as I continue to eat. It takes him a little bit to put Lydia down and by that time I'm walking to the sink. I don't even realize he's trying to get my attention until he's putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Are you alright?" He asks looking at me cautiously.

"Of course," I tell him with a short smile but it doesn't convince him. This morning has been perfect but I still can't stop myself from hurting. Even with him telling me the's hard to trust him and trust is everything, "I'm going to get ready for work," I tell him walking to our bedroom.

"Work? You got out of the hospital yesterday," he points out to me.

"I know but like you said we need the money. You're off today right?" I ask.

"Yeah, that's why I was kind of hoping we could spend it together. I'm determined to make it up to you," he tells me leaning against the bedroom door.

"I'll be home by 9," I tell him as he nods his head and walks into the living room. I quickly change into my work clothes before unplugging my phone and going back into the kitchen.

"What do you want for dinner?" He asks as I grab water from the fridge.

"Anything," I tell him to get out of the house sooner. I say a quick goodbye and walk out. I know he's going to question me about my quick exit but I don't want to lash out at him.

When I walk into the call center I can see the mad look on Maddie's face, "Why are you here?" She asks.

"Cause I have to get out of the house," I tell her as we walk into the main room, "I'll tell you on break," I tell her trying to forget about my life and focus on other people.


"He was seeing another woman?" She asks shocked that her brother would do that.

"He says it wasn't like that way but I think I should talk to Eddie. They tell each other everything," I point out, "Unless you think I'm overreacting?" I ask.

"I'd be furious if I found out Chim was meeting up with a woman secretly," she tells me, "I know he's my brother and I love you both but with what you told me... it sounds like he was emotionally cheating on you," she says making me want to break down right here in the middle of the break room, "But I think he had good intentions. You know Buck. You know he just wanted to work himself out without bringing the people he loves into it," she tells me.

"I just wish he would have. He died. We lost him. He shouldn't expect us to think he's perfectly okay after that," I point out to her.

"What do you want to do then?" She asks sipping on her coffee cup.

"I don't want to brush past this....I don't want to ignore what I'm feeling either. A little part of me doesn't trust him anymore cause of how much he lied about. But I still love him and I know he never meant to hurt me," I explain.

"You have to tell him that," she says, "Tell him it's going to take some time to earn that trust again but it doesn't mean you love him any less," she states.

"I don't know what I would do without you," I tell her as we get called back into the main room, "The grind never stops," she says making me laugh.

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