Chapter 33: Worried

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--Erica's POV--
"Did you see his face or any identifying features?" Athena asks. I shake my head and try not to cry again. Everyone is here and I feel so weak. Athena tells me we are gonna take a break and let's Buck come back over.

"We will find the guy who did this," he whispers, pulling me onto his lap. Everyone who isn't one of Bucks friends went back to the station to see what they can do. Bobby and Athena go into the kitchen to make some tea and coffee.

"Let me check your torso," Eddie says. I hold onto Buck and he mouths another time to him. I feel bad for ignoring him but I just want to be with Buck.

"Can we go upstairs for a second?" I whisper. He helps me to my feet and walks with me upstairs. I sit on the bed and start crying into my hands

"Baby, it's okay. You're safe now," he whispers, pulling me into his arms again.

"I felt so weak....I tried fighting him but he was too strong. He was gonna kill me," I tell him. I can see Evans eyes flashing hundreds of different emotions.

"I'm not leaving your side until this man is caught. I'll never let you feel this way again," he whispers, kissing my forehead. The front door opens and closes again making me jump. I hear Maddie's voice and the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs. Bucks let's me go and I embrace her. I wipe my eyes and try to look presentable as she smiles at me.

"How are you doing?" She asks. I give her a small smile and walk down with everyone. I go up to Eddie and he gives me a smile asking if he can check now. I go to lift my shirt and run to the bathroom. I put my head in the toilet and let loose. Bucks comes running in worried.

"We gotta get her to a hospital," Eddie says. Maddie ties my hair back while Evan picks me up. They run me out to his car and race to get me there quickly.



"Please can I see my friends...they are all I have. I don't wanna hear this news alone," I tell the doctor. A nurse I met while I was with Buck comes in and tells the doctor she's a friend. I smile at her and wait for them to come in. Buck turns the corner and runs over kissing me as soon as he sees me.

"She's okay right?" He asks. Maddie and Eddie come in shortly after smiling at me.

"Are you sure you want them here?" He asks.

"Yes they are my best friends they know everything about me," I tell him. He hesitates and goes over my chart. I feel my stomach doing flips not understanding half the words he's saying.

"How bad is it?" Evan asks.

"She should be fine with plenty of rest but if she throws up anymore bring her in," he tells us. The doctor leaves us alone in the room and I just want to go home.

"Sorry," i mumble, putting my head on Bucks chest. He kisses the top of my head and holds me in his arms.

"Why are you apologizing?" He whispers.

"I don't know"

"Let's get you home, I'll go talk to the doctors and see if you need anything else before being discharged," Maddie says. I lift my shirt up and see a large bruise across my entire torso. I wince as I put my shirt back down. Buck helps me off the bed and puts my shoes on for me. I go to walk and grab into Bucks shoulder trying not to fall.

"Eddie can you help me...I don't wanna put too much pressure on Buck, cause of his wound," I tell him. Buck tells me he's fine but let's Eddie help me anyways. Maddie meets us with some paperwork for some meds I need and she talked about Bucks meds that were stolen. The doctor said he's been on the meds long enough so he doesn't need to replace them.

"I feel like this group is always in the hospital somehow," I say making Maddie laugh.

"Bobby and Athena are calling let me tell them you're okay," Bucks says. He runs ahead and unlocks the door for us when answering the call.

"Guys I really like him," I gush. They look at me like I'm crazy and realize it's the pain meds the doctor pumped me with.

"Like love with that man. Maddie stop listening cause he's your brother but Eddie I'm in love with you best friend," I continue.

"What do you love about him?" Eddie asks amused by my statements.

"He's really good in bed....sorry Maddie. Also he really listens to me. Plus....he's like hot as shit," I say while laughing. Buck comes running over so Eddie let's me lean on him.

"See what I mean he's so nice to me," I smile. Buck gives me a strange look and eyes Maddie and Eddie.

"What's she talking about?" He asks. Eddie and Maddie start laughing as They get into the back seat of the car.

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