Chapter 44: a bolt

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--Erica's POV--

"It's stormy today isn't it?" I whisper pushing the stroller inside. Lydia babbles away as I struggle to get the door closed. I run a hand through my hair and as I finally get it shut the wind lets up a little, "What is going on today?" I whisper as I walk back over to Lydia. As the two of us walk into the apartment I look around seeing the place is a mess.

"Are you ready for your nap?" I whisper moving the small covering from her stroller to see her fast asleep. I smile as I slowly pick her up and walk to the nursery. After grabbing the monitor I walk back into the kitchen to get started on the dishes before Buck gets home tonight. It's only 7 o'clock now so that's plenty of time until he's done his shift.

The only sad part about cleaning at night is not being able to play music. I'd rather clean in silence than risk waking Lydia. I place the dishes into the drying rack and lean against the counter. The windows are drowned in rain as the sky opens up. A large bolt of lightning flashes across the apartment making my eyes widen. Holy shit. I hear Lydia start to cry from the other room as loud rumbles of thunder start. I rush to her bedroom and try to calm her in every way possible. I sit down in the rocking chair and try to soothe her but her cries seem to double as the storm gets worse outside.

"It's okay baby girl. Daddy will be home in a couple of hours," I whisper kissing the top of her head. It must have taken over an hour to get her to finally calm down when there's a loud knock at the door. She immediately starts sobbing in my arms as I stand up. When I try to put her down her crying only doubles. I close my eyes for a second before walking to the door. I check out the peephole and see two men in uniform outside. I open the door and their faces make my heart sink, "What's happened?" I whisper as they stare at the baby in my arms.

"Evan Buckley has been in an accident. We were sent to bring you to the hospital," one of the men tells me. My lip quivers as I nod my head to grab my shoes. I rest the baby in the stroller and try to keep it together. I want to ask what's happened but I know it will only make it worse. I've never gotten Lydia ready so fast as the men help me get her into the car, The rain assaulting our backs as she cries in the backseat. I slide in beside her as the men wait for me to settle in. They start speeding off to the hospital we have grown too familiar with as the negative thoughts fill my mind. It's Buck...he's always okay. Why would this time be any different?

The car pulls into the emergency side and the men help me bring the stroller inside. I rush down the hallway they direct me to. My body starts shutting down as soon as I see Eddie and Maddie. They see me down the hallway and rush over hearing Lydia frantically cry.

"What's happening? He's okay right?" I ask as Eddie stands in his wet uniform, "Please, just tell me he's okay," I whisper feeling my legs grow weak.


I see Bobby walking down the hall with tears in his eyes after leaving Buck's room. He turns his head and sees me standing there and tries to hide the emotions on his face. I run to his room and see him lying on the bed with a tube down his throat. The doctor walks into his room and I beg him for answers.

"He's been put into a medically induced coma. He was struck by lightning while on the job. These next 24 hours are the most crucial," he tells me making my head spin.

"What do you mean most crucial?" I ask moving closer to the bed.

"He means that if Buck doesn't show any signs of improvement....then," Eddie answers as he walks into the room.

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