Part 31: i love you

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--Erica's POV--

A bright light shines through the blinds making me groan. My head is pounding from the copious amounts of alcohol coursing through my body. I pull the blanket and snuggle up closer to Buck trying to cover my eyes. He starts groaning and pulls me closer to him. I whisper a good morning opening my eyes. The face of Eddie looks back at me making me scream. I pull away and get out of the bed as rubs the drunken sleep from his eyes.

"Why the hell are you next to me?" I whisper yell. He sits up and looks around confused, "do you remember anything from last night?" He asks. I shake my head and hear the door open downstairs.

"Y'all awake up there?" Bucks yells from downstairs. I look over the balcony and see him with breakfast and Christopher.

"What happened last night?" Eddie asks standing next to me. We walk downstairs and get comfy on the couch as Christopher comes over giving me a fist bump, "what's going on buddy? You excited for school today?" I ask.

"Yes but I have a math test," he says stealing the donut I was grabbing. I gasp as I take the one in Eddie's hand.

"Carla is coming to pick him up here cause I told her about last night," he tells Eddie. My head falls onto the couch trying not to throw up.

"Take this," Bucks whispers passing me some pain meds. I take them thanking him for taking care of me. A knock at the door alerts us that Carla is here. He runs over excited yelling a goodbye not even giving us a hug. They grow up so fast.

"I don't think I was ever that excited for school," Eddie says making us laugh. We look at Buck and wait for him to tell us the story.

"Wait, what where your first reactions when waking up next to each other?" He asks laughing.

"I cuddled up to him thinking he was you until I opened my eyes screamed and got out of the bed," I tell him. Buck laughs looking at Eddie's face.

"Last night started off normal. Then you guys started drinking and I mean drinking. Eddie and you started talking about how Mickeys a bitch. Then a women came over and started hitting on Eddie, I honestly thought they were gonna go home together but then Eddie just got another drink and ignored her. You were plastered at this point. I apologized on your behalf and she understood. Do you wanna know how hard it is to get you two into a car when drunk? The drive home was fun cause you two kept singing the songs on the radio but had no idea what the lyrics were. I figured it would be best to just shove you in one house and go to Eddie's alone," he tells us. I put my head in my hands and can't help but laugh as Eddie starts.

"All I'm hearing is I have a new drinking buddy," he says. I smile at him as Buck passes us water bottles.

"I feel bad I should be taking care of you not the other way around," I tell Buck. He rolls his eyes and shows the clean bandage, "I'm fine, you needed to let loose".

"If this is what letting loose feels like, I'm okay being tightly wound," I groan. Eddie laughs at me and gets up, "I'm gonna head home and get some sleep without getting woken up by a lady," he says.

"Oh come on I can't be that bad," I laugh. He rolls his eyes and pulls me in for a hug, "thank you for last night," he whispers. I'm happy Eddie is feeling a little bit better. As soon as the door closes Buck sits next to me pulling me onto his lap.

"What did Mickey say on the phone?" He asks. I explain to him her crying hysterically and get upset again.

"Of all the people in this city she had to choose Eddie to fuck with," I say in disbelief . I hear my phone ringing and pick it up seeing Mickey calling again. I decline the call and put my phone on silent.

"Have you talked to Bobby about going back?" I ask. He checks his phone and tells me he's still unsure, " does a movie day sound?" I ask.

"Babe.....If I watch one more movie I'm going to jump out that window," he tells me, pointing at the large windows in front of us.

"Buckley are you trying to tell me you don't enjoy cuddling and relaxing with me?" I say with a pout. He can't help but laugh before pulling me in for a kiss.

"What do you wanna do then?" I ask, putting my hands on his chest. He smirks at me moving his hands lower on my waist. He smiles up at me as I act oblivious to what he wants. He pulls me in for a kiss pulling my hair to open my mouth. I gasp at his tongue entering my mouth. He helps me remove my shirt shortly after removing his. His hands cup my boobs as I slowly move my hips onto him. I look down at him smirking at him biting his lip, "how longs it been...a month since we have had sex maybe longer?" I ask. He moved his hips with mine getting more turned on. I stop my movements and climb off him, stripping my pants before running upstairs. I hear him hurry after me and tackle me onto the bed.


"So worth the wait," he pants next to me. I can't help but laugh at his tired appearance.

"Evan. Can I ask you a question?"

He tilts his head and wait for me to continue, "I know you've had sex with a lot of girls before me and I'm probably no where close to their experience. If you have tips for me...I know it sounds silly. But I really want to be good for you," I tell him blushing with each word I say. He sits up, looking down at me. I pull the sheet up covering my body as he puts a hand on my waist, "where is this coming from?" He asks.

"When you were in the coma it hit me more than I thought it would. Being alone in this apartment got me thinking and all I could do was sit with my own thoughts. I vowed to myself I would make your life as good as you make mine," I tell him, leaning on my arms. He brings my lips to his, giving me a slow and loving exchange.

"I heard everything you said...when i was in the coma. I heard you say that you were falling in love with me, I wanted to wake up and kiss you but I couldn't," he tells me. I sit up completely and put my hand on his cheek.

"Why didn't you say that when you woke up?" I whisper.

"It freaked me out a little...the only other person I had a serious relationship with left and found another guy abroad. I felt that if you actually love me it's only a matter of time before you leave," he tells me. A giant smile plasters my face as I straddle his waist, kissing him passionately.

"Buck I love you and I know that's gonna freak you out but it's true," I tell him. He flips us over and pulls my leg to the side of his body, "say it again".

"I love you"

Falling For the Firefighter  - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now