Part 19: Routine

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--Erica's POV--

Over the past couple of weeks I have been slowly moving my stuff into Bucks apartment. Every day I ask him if he is sure he wants me to move in. I feel like this was forced upon him even though he offered. Every morning is like a dream. Mickey just left and I finally got to tell her about how my dreams came back but they are slowly leaving again.

Evan started noticing how I would wake up in the middle of the night. So, I told him and he was there for me and comforted me when I woke up. If it wasn't for him I don't know how my life would be. I wouldn't have a job, a place to live...and maybe a life. His team did save me after my accident.

Evan is currently at work and I just got back from a night shift. I haven't gotten much sleep this week. I'm either at work or with Evan when our schedules align. I think I'm still sore from moving all the boxes. It's hard having weird work schedules but it makes it fun. The next time we both have a day off is in a week. I'll see him for maybe three hours tonight. I swear once I moved in it's become harder to see each other. How does that make sense? I hear my phone buzz from the nightstand and crawl towards it, too much work to stand.

Bobby: image attached (check the picture in the heading)

Erica: You guys are like father and son

Bobby: he wont stop talking about you

Erica: Tell him to shut up then

Bobby: Chimney already did

Erica: good luck with that

I save the picture in my camera roll and smile at it. I set my alarm for 6 pm and roll over snuggling on his side of the bed.




I feel a weight around my waist and open my eyes seeing Buck laying down next to me, "It's only 5. You have another hour before you have to get up," he whispers, keeping his eyes closed. I snuggle against him, closing my eyes and going back to sleep.

- - -

My alarm goes off waking me up. I open my eyes seeing an empty side of the bed. I sit up and quickly change into my uniform and putting my shoes on. I feel like I go to sleep and wake up at work. I trudge downstairs and see Buck standing by the counter, "Morning sleeping beauty". I give him a groan as I grab my keys. He connects our lips as I walk out the door for another day to save lives.

Gotta love being in the work force.

Falling For the Firefighter  - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now