Part 11: My Place

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--Erica's POV--

"Hey, my parents are coming into town in two days and have no place to stay is it okay if they stay here?" Danny asks.

"Where are they gonna sleep?" Mickey asks. We are out to breakfast because they surprisingly dont have the morning shifts for once. We are at this cute little café between the firehouse and our apartment.

"They could stay in my room," I offer. Danny thanks me as he takes out his phone and calls his parents to tell them not to worry, "Erica, where are you gonna sleep?" Mickey asks.

"I can bunk with you...right?" I ask.

"I'd say yes but my bed can barely fit me in it. Ask Danny if you guys can share for the week," she points out. Danny comes back to the table with a bright smile. He always talks about his family. They couldn't make it for the last holiday and it crushed him, "Would you mind if I slept in your room when they get here?" I ask. He nods his head and steals some of my food off my plate. I glare at him and take a bite of his muffin.

As we start paying for our meal I get a text from Evan. We haven't seen each other since the party which was Wednesday night. Plus the date with Evan on Friday was amazing. We got burgers and went on a romantic walk around town. Which then led to an amazing night of watching movies. I got the job at the call center as well. I start training this Thursday. I've never been more excited. I went out with May, Maddie, and Josh. We went to dinner so May wasn't left out. I can see myself really fitting in there.

Birth Mark: Come over tonight

Erica: what time?

Birth Mark: preferably now but how does 6 sound

Erica: I'll be there

"Another booty call?" Danny asks. I roll my eyes and ignore his comment. Mickey and him have been asking about us a lot. We spend a lot of nights together but I'm not complaining. I'm definitely not complaining.

"Why do you care about it so much?" I ask annoyed at his constant comments.

"You just deserve better than to be someone's booty call," He states.

"We are taking things slow, Danny trust me it's nothing"

"How can it be moving slow if his dick has already been inside you," He says, making Mickey pause her movements. I whisper a fuck you before grabbing my purse and walking out. I grab my phone and text Evan again.

Erica: Are you at the station?

Evan: Yeah, what's up?

Erica: Can I come see you?

Evan: Of course

I hurriedly walk across the street and get to the station faster than I thought. I walk into the station and run into Eddie. He says hello and calls Buck on the radio. I see him fly down the fire escape and smile at his childish antics. He jogs over pulling me in for a hug.

"What made you come to the station?" He asks.

"Wanted to see Eddie in your hot uniforms," I tease, causing him to roll his eyes.


"No, I got into a fight with Danny and I walked off," I tell him. He leads me into the same back room the first time I cam in here and sits me down on the one bunk bed, "Do you want to talk about it?" he asks.

"You're sweet but no. I just wanted to see you. You going down the fire pole already made me feel better"

"I thought you were here for Eddie's sexy firefighter outfit," He says making me laugh. He kisses the top of my head in a hug making butterflies swarm my stomach. I know that fire bell is going to ring any minute, "Am I still coming over tonight?" I ask, keeping my arms wrapped around him.

"Maybe I should come to yours tonight and have a little chat with Dan the man," He says, I can hear the smirk in his voice. I pull away from the hug and give him a look, "You don't even know what the fight was about," I point out. A loud alarm screams from the other room causing an involuntary eye roll, "I know it was something to upset you, how about I come to yours tonight?" He asks, slowly walking away backwards.


I hear Eddie teasing Evan as he gets onto the truck making me laugh at his annoyed face. I'm excited to eventually get closer with Eddie and Christopher.

Falling For the Firefighter  - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now