Chapter 40: baby girl

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--Erica's POV--

"She's beautiful," I whisper from the doorway of her bedroom in the new apartment. Buck walks over slinging him around my shoulder as we watch over our daughter, "She's perfect," I tell him leaning my head on him.

"I think every night since we brought her home you've said the same thing," he says making me smile, "Oh Bobby said he was coming over today to hang the nursery sign," he tells me.

"I'm so excited. The apartment is really coming together," I state while looking around, "I'm excited for everyone to see it when we are finished," I express trying to contain the enthusiasm. Buck takes two plates from the cabinet and slides them over as I sit on the island, "I just feel bad that you're doing all the work," I tell him.

"We have talked about this. Even if you could I wouldn't let you carry the heavy shit up the stairs. Eddie and I needed the workout anyways," he says with a smile.

"Shoot I forgot to tell you. I told Eddie to come over this Thursday for dinner," I tell him looking at the calendar on my phone, "My way to pay back for all his help," I tell him. He gives me a look before sitting down next to me.

"I told Maddie to come over for dinner on Thursday," he says making me chuckle at our planning skills.

"Small dinner party then?" I ask.

"I'll tell the others," he says passing me a fork. I thank him as I put my phone down. Right as I'm about to take a bite, Lydia starts crying from her room. Buck goes to stand up but I tell him I got it. I hurry into her room and grab the pacifier from the table. I bend down picking her up in my arms as she stares at me. It's weird how small humans can be. Her blue eyes stand out in contrast to her pale skin and dark hair. I sit down in the small rocking chair placed in the corner of the room as she settles down.

As soon as the doctors handed her to me after I gave birth, Buck immediately said the name, Lydia. And it was perfect. Small footsteps make their way to the door and I see Buck peaking in, "Is she okay?" He asks. I nod my head and he walks over to look at Lydia, "Hey little girl," he whispers tickling her belly.

We spend half an hour watching her as she slowly falls asleep in my arms. Buck slowly took her from me to lay her down in the crib as I set up the baby monitor. We slowly and quietly walk out of the room leaving the door open a crack. When we get into our bedroom I want to collapse onto the bed and sleep for a year.

"Would you want another child?" He asks making me whip my head around to look at him. He laughs when he sees my face and sits down at the end of the bed, "I'm not saying right now the future would you want Lydia to have a sibling?" He asks.

"Whenever I thought about my future I always saw myself with at least 2 kids," I tell him walking over to him, "But I also pictured myself married before having really everything is up in the air," I tease making him roll his eyes with a laugh. He pulls me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around my back. His hands slowly rub along my back as I move my arms around his neck, "I love you, and if you want another kid in the near future...I think that would be a great idea," I whisper while planting small kisses on his lips. He stands up with me in his arms, laying me down on the bed. His hands caress my sides as he connects his lips to mine.

"We should get some sleep," I whisper, running my hand through his messy hair. He nods his head before pressing his lips against mine again, "Evan, Bobby is coming early in the morning," I point out as I make no effort to stop as I deepen the kiss. He grunts against my lips telling me he doesn't care and rips his shirt off. I gasp against his lips and he pulls away looking worried.

"I don't think I can do this right now," I whisper still feeling sensitive.

"Do you need anything?" He asks pulling away. I shake my head as he gives me another worried look. I stand up from the bed and change into my pajamas and turn around to see him lying in bed. He opens up the covers and we get into our normal position with me in his arms.

"You'd tell me if something was wrong right?" He asks kissing the top of my head.

"Of course. I'm just sore. Nothing to worry about," I assure him.

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