Part 5: Firefighter

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--Erica's POV--

I would rather jump off a high rise than go to work. I'm not hungover I'm just exhausted. Danny and Mickey have already gone to work a couple hours ago. Instead of being productive I stayed in bed all day...sleeping. I wouldn't have had it any other way.

Sadly it's time to get ready. The uniform is just a t-shirt so it isn't too bad I would just rather be in pj pants watching tv. But hopefully Evan comes in. It feels weird knowing his name. We didn't talk much last night cause we both had our own friends. But he did say goodnight to me which was very cute.

After changing I grab a water bottle and shove it into my purse and grab my keys. I lock up and hurry to my car cause I'm running late. I pull out of the little garage for our building and start heading down the road listening to my go to playlist. I pull to a stop and change the song waiting for the light to turn green. LA traffic sucks in the late afternoon. The light turns green so I put my foot on the gas going across the intersection. A honk comes from the right of me just as my car gets pushed off the road. I feel myself fall to the side hitting my head on the steering wheel before the airbags deploy. My voice gets stuck in my throat as I try and brace myself for impact.

Glass flies everywhere. I can't hear anything. Everything is muffled. What is happening to me. My head pounds as the car comes to a stop.

I feel my eyes starting to close but I force myself to stay awake. Sirens sound from close by. I try to move my head to look around but it hurts to move. Everything hurts. I try to look see through the windshield only seeing sideways trees. I hear loud voices and boots hitting the ground minutes later. A voice yells inside asking if I'm awake. I yell back as they start moving around the car feeling an agonizing pain in my side. Someone gets to the floor looking into the window. I faintly recognize them as they analyze me. He stands up and I can hear faint whispers. More boots start running and I hear a saw start buzzing. I being to panic as the sounds get closer. My head is practically locked in by the bent metal.

"We are gonna get you out of their everything will be alright," A familiar voice says. I feel a tear fall down my face as they rip the door off the side to get to me, "We have to cut the top of the car. We can't get to her," a man says.

"Chimney, you heard him get to work," an older man says.

"Is the other person okay?" I ask, trying to distract myself from the saw.

"They are okay, how are you doing?" he asks as the saw gets louder. I wince as it moves closer to me, "You are doing good. You'll be out of here soon, I promise," He says, looking at me. He places a neck brace on me as they rip the roof off my car. I feel a burning sensation and watch as smoke fills the car. They start working faster as the car starts producing more and more smoke. My body gets pulled from the car and placed flat on some board type thing. I start coughing as a women stands over me helping me into the ambulance. I meet a pair of eyes and see him staring at me worried. He jumps into the ambulance, slamming the doors behind him.


"Hey, you're gonna be okay," he smiles as the women works on me. She sets up a monitor to track my heart rate, "How come you didn't tell me you were a firefighter?" I laugh, causing a sharp pain to shoot through my chest. He flinches before telling me to take it easy.

"What happened?" I whisper as my head pounds.

"A guy was speeding while on his phone. The asshole slammed into you becuase he was too busy texting someone, "Evan says getting mad.

Falling For the Firefighter  - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now