Part 9: Round Two

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--Erica's POV--

A bright light shines in my eyes giving me a piercing headache. I open my eyes slowly, seeing a slight opening in his curtains. I look to my side and see him sleeping on his stomach with his hand over me. I shift around and feel a breeze remembering I'm naked.

I move his arm off me softly and grab my underwear from the floor slipping them on. I search around for my bra and see it downstairs hanging on the couch. How does that even happen? I start walking downstairs when I see the front door opening. I quickly run back upstairs and put on a shirt that was on the floor. I kneel on the bed and nudge Evans shoulder and see him slowly open his eyes, "Hey, what's wrong?" he whispers in a deep morning voice.

"I think someone is downstairs," I tell him getting a weird look. I get off the bed and throw him a pair of shorts that he puts on before getting up. He jogs downstairs showing off his back muscles as he leaves. I smirk and lean back on the bed smelling of his cologne. A couple minutes later I hear him jogging back up the stairs.

"It was Maddie she was dropping something off. I totally forgot she was coming," He says, laying back down on his bed. We lay their silently the only sounds are of us breathing and the traffic outside, "So, last night was..."

"Amazing," I finish.


"Do you regret it?" I ask.

"Absolutely not," He smiles.


He pulls me on top of him making me laugh, "You look pretty good in my shirt," He says holding my lower waist on top of him. He gently runs his hand along the bandages making me smile.

"I got up and was looking for my clothes. I was about to head downstairs to grab my bra, don't know how it got down there, but that's when the door opened. It was the closest thing to me so I wasn't naked," I tell him. He smirks tracing shapes on my bare skin. My thighs barely touching the skin of his lower stomach. He leans up connecting our lips in a slower kiss than last night. He slides his hands to my cheek feeling how warm they are. I decide to slowly take his shirt off, throwing is on the floor. He smiles before flipping is over giving me flashbacks of the night before.

Round two was somehow better than round one. I lay on my stomach under the sheet with my head on his chest as he traces my back. I could stay here all day. He turns on some quiet music as I leave small kisses on his chest.

"Does this mean you will finally take me on a real date?" I ask.

"God I never took you as the needy type," He teases. I smack him gently making him laugh as my phone rings from downstairs. I sit up covering myself and grabbing his shirt from the floor again. I carefully make my way downstairs and see Mickey is calling. I answer the phone and look up seeing Evan looking down at me.

"Hey, Mickey what's up?" I ask.

"I really like him Erica. Last night was perfect," she says over the phone. I smile brightly getting a weird look from Evan walking down the stairs.

"Does that mean you guys are going out again?" I ask.

"I hope so. He wanted me to come with him to pick up Christopher but I have work so I had to decline. That's a good sign right?"

"Of course. I'm so excited for you. A hot firefighter is hard to find nowadays," I smirk getting a smack on the ass from Evan. I laugh while yelling for him to get away, "How was last night?" she asks.

"I'll talk to you about it tonight. Evan's nosy," I say still laughing. She says a quick love you bye and continues getting ready for work. I turn to Evan standing in his kitchen and sit on one of his bar stools," Has Eddie texted you about last night?" I ask curious.


"I know Mickey had a good time," I smirk.

"Eddie feels the same. But most importantly Chris likes you guys," he smiles.

"I dont even care if I see you or Eddie again. I'm only coming back for him," I tease. He walks behind me getting close to my ear, "Sorry I can't quite remember what you said last night. Something like, 'I need you Evan'," He teases.

"I'm starting to think I'm gonna regret coming home with you Buckley".

Falling For the Firefighter  - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now