Part 24: "God, I love you"

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--Erica's POV--

"Why won't you guys say where you are going?" Buck asks, drinking his coffee. I ignore his constant questioning and finish getting changed. He grabs my hand stopping me from going downstairs, "Is she okay?" he says, moving closer to me. I place a hand on his chest giving him a quick kiss.

"You can try and sweet talk me but I'm not telling you. Depending on how it goes I might not have to," I tell him. I run downstairs and see Mickey sitting by the door with a blank expression. She notices me standing there giving me a nervous look, "Everything is going to be okay". I grab my car keys yelling bye to Evan and walk with her towards the car.

"Is it weird that a small part of me wants to be pregnant?" she asks.

"No, you've always wanted a child. Plus, you found a guy who truly cares about you. It may be the wrong time and way to soon into the relationship but it would still be a loved child," I tell her.



Mickey has been inside for about an hour. I keep getting dirty looks from ladies waiting for a doctor to take them back and get examined. Mickey and Eddie would make adorable kids but...not now. I hope everything works out baby or not. The doors of the clinic open and Mickey walks out. No tears...she doesn't look scared.

"It was a false alarm," she smiles, looking sad. I open my arms holding her tightly, "How do you feel?" I ask, putting an arm around her shoulder and walking back to the car.



It was a quiet car ride. Mickey decided it was best she told Eddie anyways and left shortly after. Eddie and Buck are both working so she's going to wait until after. If I got pregnant from Buck I would freak. He's a great guy but WAY too soon. It would be a very cute baby. My phone goes off on the counter and I get a text from Maddie saying she's bringing over wine for a movie night. I quickly respond with a smiley face emoji and set up lights around the living room.



"Maddie, how did you know Chim was the guy you wanted to be with?" I ask, as the movie credits scroll on the screen. She sits up from laying down and sips on her wine thinking.

"He made me feel comfortable and safe. He was the first guy I dated after....and he was so patient with me. I couldn't see myself with anyone but him since I've moved here," She says, making me smile.

"You guys are adorable. It's like you are living a romance movie," I tell her.

"More important question is, does Buck make you feel that way?" she asks. I sit there thinking about everything he has done for me. He has been there for me since I met him. He never hesitated to let me move in. He's supposed to get home any minute now and throughout the entire movie I was replacing the main characters with us in my head. I never thought I would be the type of girl to get attached to a man after four months of knowing him. But I also never thought I would meet a man like Evan Buckley, "I'm gonna assume your long pause means a no?" she laughs.

"Sorry, I was thinking about how he does make me feel that way," I laugh just as the front door opens.

"I haven't known you long but I know you deserve it"

"We both do, I'm happy I've met you," I say making her tear up. She stands up and tackles me in a hug. Who knew she was so emotional? I hug her back and see Buck smiling at us.

"I guess I don't have to worry about my girlfriend and sister getting along," He smirks.

"You actually just interrupted a beautiful moment," I tease. Maddie turns around making a face, "yeah way to go"

He makes a grossed out face as Maddie gets off of me. She grabs her phone and downs the rest of her wine. I see her grab her keys and stand in front of her.

"You are not driving home, we almost finished an entire bottle of wine between the two of us," I tell her, grabbing her keys.

"Chimney is outside, I wasn't planning on driving"

She gives me another hug right before Buck kicks her out. I can't help but laugh at her smacking him with her purse. I wish I had a sibling. My parents wouldn't have cared for them but we would be close like them, "How was work?" I ask, turning the tv off and grabbing the two wine glasses off the table. I place them next to the sink. I open up the oven door and take out the plate I kept warm for him, "I thought you might be hungry," I smile, placing his food on the table. He almost falls to the floor at the sight he runs over picking me up in a hug, "God I love you" he says. I freeze as he lets go. He realizes what he said and rubs the back of his neck.

"I meant....cause the food...and..." he trails off. I close the oven door and watch him sit down at his plate. It was a spur of the moment saying. I go to the sink and start washing the wine glasses to put back in the cabinet. I grab a water from the fridge and one for Buck too. I place it in front of him asking if he's gonna say he loves me again causing him to roll his eyes.

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