Chapter 46: parents

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--Erica's POV--

"Buck, you need to rest," I tell him as he picks Lydia up from her crib. He tells me to stop and that nothing can come between him from holding his daughter, "Can you at least sit down?" I ask as I check the food in the oven. He sits down on the couch with her laying on his chest, knowing it wouldn't stop nagging him until he did.

"You know how much I love you...right?" I ask as I walk into the living room to stand in front of him. He gives me a scared look before looking at Lydia half asleep on him. He nods his head and slowly stands up to bring Lydia back to her room. He walks back in and sweeps me into his arms making me gasp as he sits me down on the counter.

"Of course, I know how much you love me," he whispers giving me a quick kiss, "But what's this about?" He asks.

"I know you said you wanted to rest but I might have invited the team over for dinner," I tell him as he drops his head on my shoulder, "I know. I'm sorry. But everyone kept calling to check up on you and I figured it would be easier for a quick dinner," I tell him.

"What about rest?" He asks with an amused smirk.

"I made your favorite," I whisper as he widens his eyes, "And the team really wants to see you," I tell him.

"I'm fine. It's not a big deal. I'll be back at work in no time," he says making my eyes harden.

"Buck, you died. You can't just play it off like all the other injuries you get," I tell him, "Their family. Whether you like it or not they are going to worry," I point out.

"I know. I know," he says putting his hands on my arms, "And I love you for inviting them over. How much time do we have?" He asks with a smile.

"About an hour. But knowing Eddie....probably like 5 minutes," I tell him just as the door rings, "or less," I say as we both laugh. He groans before giving me a quick kiss. I hop off the counter and walk to the door. When I open it up and invite Eddie in.

"How is he?" He asks putting a bottle of wine on the counter.

"He's being Buck," I tell him, "Hey, I want to talk to you about something later. It's nothing serious I just want to get your thoughts on something," I tell him as Buck walks back into the room. He looks a bit nervous but I quickly change the subject as Buck tries pouring himself a glass of wine. By the time the rest of the group gets here, dinner is ready. One by one everyone walked in and rushed to Buck's side. I'd kill to have had something like that before I met him. It's hard not to sit back and watch them all talk on the couches. I'm still not sure why Buck having two couches now is such a big deal, but it seems to make the group laugh.

"Need help?" Maddie asks as I take the chicken out of the oven. I turn my head and smile as she grabs some of the vegetables and starts chopping them.

"Hey, can I talk to you after dinner?" I ask as she eyes me suspiciously. She nods her head and continues chopping as the group erupts into laughter again.

Throughout dinner, the group spends their time talking about the ridiculous things Buck has done over the years. It's weird thinking you know everything about a person and then hear the little things. I don't think I've laughed this hard in a while. As the laughter dies down, Lydia starts crying from the other room. Eddie insists on seeing her and disappears into her room. Not even a minute later her cries are gone. He walks out with her in his arms and it's adorable.

I grab Buck's hand under the table and look at him and Maddie and he nods his head in understanding. Eddie hands Lydia to Bobby when I nod my head. I don't know why I feel so nervous. It's not like this is a big deal....well it kind of is. Bucks excuse the four of us as we walk into the hallway. The pair look at us like we are crazy and I can practically feel the excitement rising in my chest.

"What is going on?" Eddie asks as I look at Buck.

"We wanted to ask if you guys....would like to be Lydia's godparents?" He asks as both of their eyes widen. The two of them pull us in for a hug as they say yes.

"I thought you were going to pick Bobby and Athena," Maddie says as she lets go of the hug.

"It was hard to decide but you two are the obvious choice. Every time we hang out the first thing that comes out of your mouths is where's Lydia?" I tell them as we all laugh.

"I'm honored man," Eddie says patting Buck's shoulder.

"I'm just happy you said yes," he says with a laugh.

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