Part 4: Day Off

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--Erica's POV--

"Wait so he gave you his number but you guys still don't know each other's names?" Mickey asks. She gives me a strange expression while sitting down on the bar stool next to me. Danny is meeting us at the bar in an hour cause he's stuck at work.

"I know. I haven't texted him yet but I want to. I'm nervous. Like what if he regrets giving it to me?" I tell her. She rolls her eyes asking for two shots. I didn't know it was a get wasted type night. This is the one day I have off all week. Sometimes I get two days but since there aren't many employees I'm stuck with most of them.

"Seriously, Erica when will you just except that you are a catch. He'd be lucky to get a text from you. You should text him now. What's the worst that could happen?" she points out. She passes me one of the shots the bartender places down. We both tap the shots together and down them. I cringe at the gross taste and see her smiling at me.

"I'm not a shot person shush," I laugh, taking out my phone. I create a contact for him already and named it birth mark. I've just hesitated to send anything. Mickey sees me looking at the contact and takes the phone typing something and hitting send before letting me see.

Erica: Hope you didn't miss me too much tonight

"Oh my god, What if he didn't even go in tonight? Why would you send that?"

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and hesitate to look at it. I see someone out of the corner of my eye sitting down. I look over and see Danny looking exhausted. I put my phone on the bar upside down and order his usual. The bartender slides him his drink putting in on the tab, "What did I miss?" he asks.

"Birth mark gave his number and she just texted him. We are waiting on a response," Mickey smiles, taking my phone again," And the wait is over," she passes me my phone before continuing to talk to Danny.

Birth Mark: Trust me flirting with Mike wasn't the same

I catch myself laughing out loud and feel Mickey nudging me. I stand up from the stool and go into the bathroom to get their eyes off me.

Erica: Oh come on you're not into grumpy old men?

I put my phone on the counter and look at myself in the mirror. I freshen up my hair and see my cheeks are a reddish pink.

Birth Mark: How has your well deserved day off been?

Erica: I'm actually out drinking with friends

I wonder what he does in his free time. Most likely works out from the looks of his biceps.

Birth Mark: We already have so much in common I'm out with my coworkers

Erica: will I see you tomorrow?

Birth Mark: of course

I turn my phone off and put it into my pocket. My feet carry me towards where Danny and Mickey are sitting. A drink is waiting for me on the bar. A great sight if you ask me, "How's the flirting going?" Danny asks. I feel my phone buzz again and take it out seeing a text.

Birth Mark: maybe I wont have to

I look at my phone confused starting to type back when he texts me to turn around. I place my phone onto the bar and turn around seeing him standing by the door with a group of people. I hear Mickey asking me a question before she follows my gaze that's locked on the door. Danny soon follows her movements and we all just stare at the door. He says something to his friends and starts walking over to the bar.

"That's birth mark?" Mickey asks shocked, staring at him.


"Did you invite him here?" Danny asks.


They both turn around quietly sipping their drinks, instead of walking away. Always so nosy, but I'd do the same thing, "You stalking me now?" I joke, getting a laugh out of the tall man. He runs a hand through his hair as he smiles at the bartender signaling something. I'm assuming he comes here often with his friends.

"Erica, are you gonna introduce us?" Mickey asks, giving him a small smile. He gives me a wide eyed smirk at my friends forwardness making me blush, "So that's your name, Erica," the name falling from his lips. Cliché but its never sounded so beautiful.

"I'm Evan, but my friends call me Buck"

"This is Mickey and that's Danny," I tell him as the bartender passes him his drink. I hear the name Buck being yelled by an Asian man sitting next to a women who looks excited. I readjust my eyes towards Evan and see him rolling his eyes at his name being called. I tell him to go to his friend and he just smiles before walking over. I turn around and see Mickey staring at me, "Why didn't you tell me he was actually beautiful...and who's his friend over there?" she asks making us laugh.

"Calm down Mickey one thing at a time. What are the odds he would be here?" Danny says looking skeptical.

"Down boy"

"Just cause he's hot doesn't mean he can't be a creep," he points out.

"Danny, you know I love you but it's not like I'm bringing him home," I laugh, turning around seeing him laughing with his friends. I make eye contact with the girl sitting in between Evan and the Asian guy.

"So, are you gonna go over and talk to him or.....?" Mickey asks.

"No he's with all his friends," I say, breaking eye contact with her.

"He did"

"Are you gonna make a move?" Mickey asks.

"When have you known Erica to make a move?" Danny makes fun. I grab my drink ignoring his comment. I walk over to the music area and put in a quarter picking Still Into You by Paramore. I look over at Evan while sipping my drink. As I sit down next to my friends he throws his head back laughing at something they said.

Falling For the Firefighter  - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now