Part 14: Be With You

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--Erica's POV--

I know he worked today and he is probably sleeping but it's worth a shot right......right? Why is there traffic at 1 am. Why are people out this late? The guy driving the Uber is driving fast enough. I take out my phone and call Eddie. He picks up with a confused hello.

"Hey, did you and Evan talk today?" I ask, I need to know if I'm doing the right thing. I hear Chris in the back asking who is it.

"It's Erica, yeah Buck and I were talking earlier why what's up?" He asks.

"I know he talked about our fight but I need to know if I'm doing the right thing," I tell him.

"What are you doing?" he asks with a hint of concern in his voice.

"I'm going to his house to tell him everything I wish I said this morning" I watch as he turns onto his street, thanking him before running out.

"Erica, just kiss him"

I hang up my phone and run towards the front doors. I decide the elevator might be the better option and click his floor. I impatiently wait for the doors to open when my phone buzzes.

Eddie: He always forgets to lock up but there is a spare key hidden in the stairway by the door

I go to text him back when the doors open so I throw my phone in my purse and run to his door. I open the door and see him standing in his kitchen opening a beer. He looks at me confused. I run up to him and throw my arms around his shoulders pressing our lips together. He pulls away confused, keeping a hand wrapped around my body.

"I want to be with you. Not in just a sexual, hooking up kind of way," I tell him out of breath. He stays silent with a growing smile.

"You rushed all the way over here at 1 am to tell me that?" He asks. I nod my head resting my hands on his chest.

"Why wouldn't you just say that earlier?" He asks, pushing the hair out of my face. I look down trying to figure out what even happened this morning.

"I'm not the kind of person who expresses their emotions. I bottle it up like a normal person," I say with a small laugh.

"Does that make us official then?" He asks, helping me sit on the counter. I rest my arms on his shoulders, playing with the hair on the back of his neck.

"Yes. We are officially dating Buck," I tell him. He pulls me in for a kiss, feeling him smile through it.

"Do you wanna stay the night?" He asks. I nod my head and watch as he goes to the fridge to grab me a drink, "How was work?" He asks.

"Long. I was there from 11 to 1," I tell him, wanting to collapse on the spot.

"Let's go watch some movies and go to bed then," he says, taking my hand in his.

"How was your day?" I ask, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Long as usual. Eddie was late cause he was with Mickey. It was funny watching him scramble to get ready," he says with an amused smile. I dramatically flop back into his bed, groaning as he does the same on top of me.

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