Chapter 49: lies

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--Erica's POV--

"You're working late again?" I ask in disbelief as Buck walks out in his uniform. He gives me a look as he fastens his belt through the loops on his pants.

"I know but I have to. Cap needs all hands on deck," he tells me as he walks into the kitchen to get coffee.

I turn around seeing him rushing around feeling hopeless, "I feel like I haven't seen you in two weeks. God the last time we were free from work we spent them apart," I point out to him.

"I know. I'll make it up to you I promise. You can still call me if you need help with Lydia," he tells me.

"I need you here not miles away on some dangerous mission," I tell him feeling frustrated, "I know this is your career but I'm starting to feel like a single parent here," I tell him making him stop all his movements.

"I don't have time for this conversation right now," he says shutting me down while packing up his gear, "I'll see you when my shift ends," he tells me walking out the door. I clench my jaw trying to keep my cool as he walks out once again. Lydia starts crying making tears fall right from my eyes as everything hits me at once. I can't handle this alone. What is going on with him? Every night I go to bed before he comes home and he's gone before I wake up. Or he's here and says he will be back late and runs out without a second thought. If he's starting to second guess a life with me I'd rather him be honest instead of ripping my heart out over and over. As I rush into the nursery she is fussing in her blanket as the stuffed animal is shoved to the side. I go to pick her up when I realize she needs to be changed.

It feels like an hour until she is finally calm in my arms as I rock in the chair. Her fresh diaper has little ducks on the side. After placing her into the crib I walk back into the living room to finish the chores that need to be done. Once I finish Buck's laundry and leave his spare uniform on top of the dresser, I walk back into the kitchen. There's a pile of dishes that have piled up on the sink from us running around. When I put the rubber gloves on I prop the baby cam on the counter. My lower back starts aching as I stand hunched over the sink. I push through the pain until my legs start becoming numb. I grab onto my counter trying to catch myself before slipping onto the floor. I try to reach to grab onto something to pull me up but everything slowly slips into a blur. My eyes can't seem to focus on anything and my ears can only hear the rushing water above me. My breathing becomes erratic as the panic sets in of me being stuck on the floor. I scream for help but nothing seems to be working.

Right before everything goes black I see the door to the apartment opening, and a worried-looking woman rushing to my side.

"Hey she's waking up," someone says as I slowly open my eyes, "Erica, can you hear me?" A doctor asks as I nod my head. She tells me not to move as I look around for Lydia.

"What's happening?" I ask seeing an IV hooked into my arm.

"You had a seizure in your apartment. An ambulance brought you in but we didn't have your phone to contact any emergency contacts," she tells me.

"Lydia? Where's Lydia?" I ask as a male doctor walks in with her. She's smiling and holding onto his finger as he stands by my side.

"Is there someone you'd like us to call?" He asks as I sit up in the bed.

"How did I have a seizure?" I ask looking at the monitors beeping around me. The doctor tells me to stay calm and I look at Lydia as the male doctor hands her over before walking out.

"You had what we call a psychogenic non-epileptic seizure also known as a stress seizure," she says as I worriedly look at her.

"As of right now, your vitals are looking good. We want you to come in on a couple of days to make sure they stay that way," she tells me as I nod my head, "Have you been going through anything stressful that could maybe cause this?" She asks as I look down at Lydia.

"Home troubles but I didn't think it was bad enough to cause this," I tell her feeling embarrassed.

"Your body has been through a lot after giving birth. The brain tries to hide how bad it gets sometimes and that's perfectly normal," she says with a reassuring look.

"Is there anyone you'd like us to call?" She asks and I nod my head looking at Lydia. I write down a number and ask her to tell the person to come alone.

After an hour a nurse comes back in and I recognize it's the male nurse from before, "How are you feeling?" He asks before looking at Lydia.

"Better..." I tell him as Maddie comes running in.

"What happened? Are you okay? Where's Buck?" She asks as he checks my vitals.

"I'm fine. I just need you to watch Lydia while I'm in here. When am I being discharged?" I ask as he writes something in his notes.

"You'll be released tomorrow night if everything comes back alright with the EKG," he tells me making Maddie worry. He gives us our privacy after waving goodbye to Lydia with a smile.

"What happened? Where's Buck?" She asks sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"I had a stress-induced seizure. But I promise you I'll be okay," I assure her. She holds my hand in hers as the worried look in her eyes doesn't leave.

"Since Buck is working tonight....I just need you to watch her," I tell her getting a weird look in return, "I know I should tell him but we had a fight before he left," I tell her.

"I agree you should tell him but the team isn't working tonight. Chimney got home almost three hours ago," she tells me.

"So....where has Buck been?" I ask feeling the worry fill my heart again.

Falling For the Firefighter  - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now