Part 17: Girls Day + Christopher

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--Erica's POV--

Apparently Maddie and May both had the day off. Everyone is meeting at Bucks and he said he didn't care. I feel bad I'm treating his apartment like my own but he hasn't said anything and I told him I'd be leaving by the end of the week. Mickey is coming with Christopher becuase she was babysitting for Eddie. I can't wait to see him. It's been at least two weeks. I cleaned up a little and put on some comfy clothes. I told them to wear comfy but knowing Mickey she will come over with nice clothes. The front door opens showing Mickey and Christopher being the first ones here. I run over giving him a  big hug, "How are you little man?" I ask, walking with him to the couches.

"I'm not so little anymore. I've grown," He smiles. I give Mickey a big hug missing my best friend, "I'm sorry I've been distant. I shouldn't bring you in between this mess," I tell her.

"How are you feeling?" she asks sitting with me on the couch.

"I'll talk to you later," I say as Maddie and May walk in. It sucks that Hen and Athena are working today. I want to get to know them more. We can all bond over teasing Evan. I find myself calling him Buck more. It rolls off the tongue easier around his friends.

Maddie puts a charcuterie board down on the table for a split second before Chris grabs a slice of cheese. May sits on the arm chair while Maddie sits in a bean bag chair in the corner.

"Christopher, do the guys talk about us?" I ask, curious what he will tell us.

"Buck said I can't talk about it," He says.

"Chris I thought we were best friends?" Mickey says.

"All Buck talks about is Erica. They always put me to bed when they talk about you," He tells us. I grab a cheese slice and cracker turning on some music.

"So, since you can't escape us whos the boy you're talking to?" Maddie asks May. Her face makes it seem like she was hoping we would forget about it.

"He's a boy I met when I was leaving work. I ran into him as he was skateboarding down the street. We've been on two dates. Don't tell my mom she will flip," she tells us.

"What's his name? How old is he?" I ask.

"His name is Daniel and he's 18. A couple months older than me. We went to school together apparently but never crossed paths," she says.

"Are you guys going on a third date?" Mickey asks.

"I hope so. We have been texting a lot but he hasn't asked," she says. The front door opens and Carla walks in holding a bottle of champagne, "Girl, if you don't ask him on the date yourself. Who says you need to wait for the man," she smiles. I get off the couch and grab some glasses passing them out. I skip over May and Chris making May pout.

"Oh come on even my mom has given me a glass of champagne at New Years," She groans.

"No offense but your mom scares me. I am not getting on her bad side," I smile. She takes a sip of mine sticking her tongue out. I grab my glass back moving over for Carla to sit. She says hello to Christopher getting a hug. He was playing on Mickey's phone and didn't notice she walked in. Kids these days always on their phones.

- -

We ended up talking and eating Maddie's food for hours. We didn't even notice how late it got until Eddie and Buck were walking through the front doors. Chris ran over yelling daddy making all our hearts melt. I love how everyone is like a big family. I walk over to the door giving Buck a quick kiss, "How was your day?" I ask.

"It was amazing, how about yours?" He keeps his arms wrapped around my waist as I keep mine on his chest, "Amazing, I'll get everything cleaned up and then I'll probably head back to my place," I tell him.

"No, you guys have fun, I can help Eddie put Chris to sleep and come back later," he tells me.

"You deserve to relax in your own apartment. Plus, everyone was about to leave anyways. Maybe...I can come back later and help you relax," I smile, kissing his cheek. He gives me a look as I walk away from him back to the girls. Maddie starts cleaning up but I tell her I can do it. May, Carla, and Maddie leave shortly after a quick hug and goodbye. Mickey is helping me clean up. She's gonna drive us home and force me to talk to Danny.

- -
I regret coming home. I wish I stayed with Buck. He looked so cute on the couch watching tv, "Danny is home and I expect you guys to talk it out," she says. I give her a small smile. I'm scared the more I talk about it the more the nightmares will come back.

We made it back to the apartment way too quickly. I follow her upstairs and to the front door as she opens it. He's sitting there watching tv. He says a hello to Mickey before turning around and seeing me. He sits up from where he is and stays silent. I say a small Hello before siting on the chair.

"What's going on?" He asks.

"I'm forcing you guys to talk," She groans, walking off to her room.

He goes silent for a while. I roll my eyes standing up about to walk out again. I didn't come here to stare at him. He grabs my hand telling me to wait, "For what?"

"I'm sorry. I know I crossed a line saying the things I did," he says.

"Why did you say the things you did?" I ask.

"I don't know...honestly I have no idea," He says, running a hand through his hair. I sit next to him on the couch and see him picking at his fingers, "What happened to us being best friends? So many things have happened over the past two weeks that I wanted to tell you guys. I just couldn't," I tell him.

"I'm so sorry for that. I was just so jealous of you and him. I didn't think he was good enough, but I can see how happy he makes you," he says, finally looking at me in the eyes.

"Why would you be jealous? Danny, I've always put you and mickey over guys . You just snapped at me for nothing," I point out.

"It's not nothing Erica. He's a tall, muscular, firefighter who has managed to get with you in a week when I have been trying for months," he says. Buck was right?

"Danny, why wouldn't you just talk to me. You are a catch. A girl would be lucky to have you...I'm just not that girl."

"We could have a future together. Bucks job is dangerous and he might get hurt. I can bring you stability," He says, grabbing my hands.

"I didn't come here to talk about my relationship with Evan," I say, pulling my hands away from his.

"You came here for me, right?" he asks with a smile. I focus my eyes on my lap feeling a finger under my chin. He pushes my head up connecting his lips with mine. I push him off me standing up and taking a step back.

"What is wrong with you?" I yell, grabbing my purse. I hear Mickey coming out of her room with wide eyes, "It was nice to see you Mickey," I say walking out. I get to the elevator hearing Mickey call my name. I hold the doors for her to get in.

"He kissed me Mick, I don't think I can come back here," I tell her, getting out at the bottom floor.

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