Chapter 55: planning the wedding

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--Erica's POV--
I feel a small kiss to the back of my head and smile when Buck comes around to do the same thing to Lydia, "What are my favorite girls doing today?" He asks making cute faces at her.

"I am doing more wedding planning. Isn't that right Ly?" I ask as she pushes a cheerio to the floor in excitement. He comes over and stands behind my chair as he leans over.

"I thought we were planning this together?" He asks as he flips through the hundreds of magazines I picked up.

"We are...I'm just picking out the best options for us to pick from," I tell him with a guilty face, "Look how beautiful this is," I whisper showing him the emerald green palette, I've laid out.

"How much is this gonna cost?" He asks as I shake my head at him.

"It's not going to be expensive. I was thinking we could go up to the mountains. Have a nature wedding and rent some cabins for everyone," I tell him.

"That sounds expensive"

"It won't be. I have my connections," I tease as he raises his eyebrow at me, "I'm not going to make any major decisions without talking to you first," I say as he leans down and gives me a quick kiss.

"I have to get to the station," he says squeezing my shoulders. He walks back to Lydia and picks her up from her high chair, "Daddy's gonna miss you," he whispers bowing a raspberry onto her cheek. She starts laughing making him smile as I stare at the two in awe.

"Wait," I yell before he gets to the door. He turns around and I walk over pulling him down to give me a proper kiss. A smirk is growing on his lips as he pulls away.

"What was that for?" He asks.

"I'm in a romance mood. Sucks you have to leave," I whisper looking at him through my eyelashes, "I'll just be here...alone...thinking about our wedding night," I tease.

"Now this isn't fair," he says pulling me back to him, "I'll be home at 5...keep this energy for when I get back," he mumbles against my lips.

As soon as he leaves I call Maddie to have her help me with wedding planning. When she comes into the apartment I just finished putting Lydia down for a nap, "How girly," she says sitting down next to the mess on the table. It's nice having a soon to be sister in law help with everything. I would have been stuck without her. I always thought it would have been Mickey who helped me with this. She's just been off recently. Maybe I should call her. I feel like we've drifted since she hurt Eddie. It's hard to move on from that.

"What about these?" Maddie asks showing me a bouquet that's the perfect shade of green.

"These are beautiful. But did you look at the price of these things?" I ask putting my head in my hands.

"Stop worrying about the prices," she says as she rips the page from the book. I watch her as she places it into the 'yes' idea pile, "When did you want to look at dresses?" She asks.

"I guess soon. I want to get married within the next two years. That's enough time to save up enough money for a down payment," I tell her.

"Isn't growing up so fun?" She asks making me laugh, "I feel like Lydia is about to go to college," she jokes making me widen my eyes.

"I can't even imagine how Bucks gonna be when that comes along".

I don't even know what happened but when Buck comes through the door his eyes are wide and his mouth is to the floor, "What the hell happened here?" I look around and take in the papers that are thrown around the room.

Maddie and I separated everything into different color themes. My go to is the green but she's keen on purple. I'm open to anything especially if Buck has a strong opinion.

"We might have gotten a little carried away," I smile as Maddie stands up and looks at our great work, "Let me show you," I tell him. I grab his arm and lead him around the room. If we don't have time for a wedding planner...I'll just create my own display in the apartment. By the end of the tour he agrees that green is the best.

"You my friend will have a very happy bride," Maddie teases before walking over. She gives me a tight hug and smacks Buck on the back as she grabs her purse.

"I didn't think you'd be so excited to wedding plan," he says looking through the pictures.

I smile as he takes it to the fridge and grabs a beer. I bend down and start picking up some of the papers when I feel his hand on my waist, "Watcha doing?" He asks. I stand up and turn around seeing him with a mischievous look in his eyes.

I hold up the papers and laugh, "What does it look like?" I ask. He nods his head and leans down connecting our lips. I gasp as he lays me down on the floor. His knee pulls my legs apart as I groan into the passionate exchange.

"Where's Lydia?" He mumbles against my lips. I tell him she's napping and he immediately pulls his shirt over his head. I smile down at his body knowing in less than two years it will be officially mine. His lips travel down my neck as his hands wonder my body, "If you don't slow down we will have another kid," I whisper breathlessly.

"Do you want another kid?" He asks pulling away. I lean on my elbows and stare at him, "I was thinking when we get married...we could have another little one," he says like he's put thought into it. I jut my tongue out to lick my lips and he wraps his arms around me. His question was answered by the way I looked at him. My shirt was thrown across the room as my back comes in contact with the bed.

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