Chapter 47: working parents

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--Erica's POV--

"How long have you been awake?" I ask setting my purse down on the kitchen counter. He gives me a tired look as Lydia screams in his arms. My heart drops as he winced from the pain of holding her for a long amount of time.

"Hey baby," I whisper slowly taking her into my arms, "Did you feed her?" I ask, trying to think of what could be wrong.

"Of course I fed her," he tells me standing up from the couch, "nothing is working. Not even her favorite stuffed animal," he says running a stressed hand through his hair.

"Try and get some sleep. I know you have a check-up and PT in a couple of hours," I tell him while walking to her nursery.

"You've just worked a nine-hour shift," he points out as I walk back out after putting her in her crib.

"And you can't be tired when you're at physical therapy," I counter walking into our bedroom. He follows after me with a stern look on his face. I quickly kick off my work pants and bend down to grab sweatpants. His hands land on my hips as he turns me around.

"She might be coming down with something. I've been feeling for a fever but she feels normal," he tells me as I place my hands on his chest.

"If I need your help I'll wake you up," I assure him as I caress his cheek before pulling away. I slip off my shirt and grab one of Bucks from the closet. I go to walk out but I freeze and look to see if the baby monitor is in here, "Is that on?" I ask as he gives me a confused look.

"Are you kidding me?" He asks with a groan as he sits down on the edge of the bed. His head falls into his hands as I try and hold back a laugh.

"Looks like she just missed her momma," I tell him as I walk over with a sympathetic look, "I'm going to sit on the chair in there for a little bit. But if I'm not awake when you leave. Have a good day at work," I whisper planting a small kiss to his lips.

"I love you," he whispers before I walk out. I feel like I haven't been home in weeks when I was here earlier this morning. I quickly walk into Lydia's room and sit down on the rocking chair. It's the perfect view of her adorable little face.

"Hey," Bucks whispers making me lift my head from the edge of the chair. I look at the clock and realize it's almost 9 am. I must have dozed off right when I sat down, "How was she?" He asks standing over her crib. I wrap the blanket, he must have put on me, over my shoulders before standing up. I lean my head on his shoulder smiling at the warmth emanating from his body.

"She must have tired herself out with you," I tell him as he wraps his arm around me.

"Maybe I can reschedule and we can spend the day together," he says making me laugh.

"I am not letting you skip physical therapy," I tell him. He checks his watch and kisses me on the side of the head.

"I'll see you later tonight," he says waving to our sleeping child so he doesn't wake her up, "Call me if you need anything," he tells me as we walk out of the nursery.

"Are you and Eddie hanging out afterward?" I ask as he nods his head.

"Yes, Christopher is upset that I haven't seen him since I've gotten out of the hospital," he says making me frown.

"I miss that kid," I tell him with a frown, "Have fun," I tell him as he grabs his keys from the coffee table.

"Love you. Bye," he shouts walking out the door.

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