Part 29: God I missed him

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--Erica's POV--

Buck finally gets to come home from the hospital. They had to keep him there for another couple of days to make sure everything was okay. Bobby told him to rest for now and when he thinks he's ready he will be allowed back at the 118. Maddie is picking him up while I make him some welcome home food. He forced me to try some of his food before the accident and terrible would be an understatement. We were gonna host a dinner tonight but I convinced everyone to have it another night so Buck can get some rest.

I reach into the oven and grab the chicken. I grew up with maids, butlers, housekeepers, whatever you wanna call it. I never saw them as workers cause they were the ones who raised me. The hardest part of leaving my parents was leaving them behind. However, Rosie taught me how to cook and I enjoy doing it because of her. One of my big wishes in life is to be able to teach my daughter or son how to cook. But I guess cooking for Buckley will just have to do for now. As I finish setting the table the front door opens with a tired looking Maddie. He pretend limps, leaning all his body weight on her.

"Weren't you shot in the chest not the legs?" I ask, as Maddie pushes him off her. He looks offended as he wraps his arms around me. He looks around the apartment smiling, "It looks good"

"Now that you two are reunited I have a child and Chimney to get to," She smiles, giving me a quick hug. We watch her walk out of the apartment before I push Buck into his chair at the table.

"I feel like I'm getting special treatment," he smirks getting an eye roll, "Don't get used to it".



"" he whines trying to get my attention.

"Evan Buckley if you ask one more time to finish decorating the house I'm gonna jump you. You can't be moving around so much. You just woke up from a coma a couple days ago," I tell him, putting a blanket over him. He pushes it off him and holds his hand out for me to grab. I let in and let him pull me onto his lap, "Never call me sugarplum again," I smile, bringing my lips to his.

"Do you prefer princess?" he asks in between kisses. I shake my head kissing down his neck," mistress?". I pull my head away and give him a disgusted look, "Why the hell would I wanna be called that?" I ask with an amused laugh. His hands move to my ass giving it a squeeze. His lips form into a smirk I've become very familiar with, "You need rest...which means," I say, getting off his slap, "No sex".

"Woah....I have been in a coma for almost two weeks and that means no sex?" He questions, sitting up. I laugh at his desperation and go to the fridge grabbing him a water, "Drink up. When your doctor gives you a thumbs up at the end of the week, trust me the wait will be worth it," I smile. I grab the remote from the couch turning on one of his favorite movies, giving him a sweet kiss. I run upstairs grabbing pajamas and going into the bathroom to take a shower. I hook my phone up to the speaker and play my playlist not to loudly.



"Are you still watching Star Wars?" I ask walking into the Livingroom, getting most of the water out of my hair with my towel. He keeps his eyes on the screen as I hang my towel back up. I quickly go into the kitchen grabbing myself iced tea. I grab a blanket from the chair and sit down next to him.

"Seriously?" he asks. I turn to look at him and offer him the blanket," What's with the wardrobe change?" He asks. I look down and blush, I got used to not having him home and walking around with shorts and a sports bra on, "Sorry, I wasn't thinking"

"Why are you apologizing? Comfy is comfy, I'm definitely not complaining," He smiles, pulling me closer to him. Even with my best efforts I can't resist his charms.

God I missed him.

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