Chapter 43: night shift

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--Erica's POV--

The bedroom door slowly opens and closes making me sit up in bed. I run the sleep from my eyes while yawning seeing Buck walking over to the bed, "Hey, what are you doing?" I ask looking at the time. I must have fallen asleep while waiting for him to come home. I turn in the light and gasp seeing a gash on the side of his cheek connecting to his eyebrow. I kneel at the end of the bed and he puts his hands on my waist as I inspect the damage, "What happened?" I ask.

He tells me it was nothing as he lays a simple kiss on my lips, "Buck?".

"I have some bruises on my sides too. So when I take off my shirt don't freak out," he says with a small laugh. I look at him confused as he slowly pulls his shirt over his head.

"Jesus, Buck, what the hell happened?" I ask as he throws the shirt into the hamper. He sits on the bed and starts taking his shoes off, trying to hide the pain on his face. I push his hands away and help him do the rest as he leans back.

"There was a small accident involving a crazy lady...but I'm fine," he assured me. I stand in front of him concerned and he changes the subject, "How was Lydia today?" He asks.

"She cried a lot 'cause she missed you. But nothing bun bun couldn't help with," I tell him with a smile.

"The stuffed animal looks more like a Frank than a bun bun but whatever makes you happy," he says making me laugh.

"Why don't I run you a hot bath?" I offer. He gives me the infamous Buck smirk as I start walking to the bathroom, "Come on tough guy," I whisper pulling him into the bathroom. I bend down to plug in the faucet after turning the water on. I turn back and see Buck leaning against the counter. The lighting in here makes his torso look so much worse.

"I'm fine. I've been through worse," he argues.

"We are a disaster-prone couple," I tell him as he pulls me in for an embrace. I kiss the top of his wrist as he does the same to my head.

"I started ring shopping," he tells me. I turn around surprised and apologize as I accidentally touch his side, "I figured since I asked you before I got it, there would be no harm in you helping me pick it out," he tells me.

"I never thought I would be so excited about a ring before," I tell him as I pour some bubble bath into the water.

"I had a store put aside three options. They all reminded me of you and I want it to be perfect," he tells me. I turn around with love in my eyes as he watches me slowly strip away my shirt. His eyes dip down my body as he walks closer.

"I'm so in love with you Evan Buckley," I whisper before connecting our lips. He pushes my legs to connect with the edge of the tub. My hands slipped inside the waistband of his pants to pull them down. He groans as I move him to sit down, stealing his spot. I whisper for him to relax as I kick my pants off.

"I should get injured more often," he says as I press my lips against his.


"I'm sorry I've been working so much," he whispers as my back lays against his chest in the soapy water, "I want to be home but..." he says trailing his finger down my arm. I watch as the path his finger takes leaves goosebumps behind on my skin.

"I know Buck. Firefighting is everything to you. And I'm only into you because of the uniform," I tease making him laugh. His laughing stops when the baby monitor in the other room sends him crying into ours. I try to get up but he tells me to stay, "Buck, you're the one that's hurt," I point out.

"And you pushed a seven-pound baby out of you....what's your point?" He argues. I roll my eyes and sink further into the water as he walks out of the room. Once the water runs cold, I decide to drain the tub. I grab a towel from the cabinet and slowly walk into the bedroom hearing nothing. I tiptoe into the nursery and see Buck passed out with Lydia asleep in his arms. I smile before taking Lydia and softly placing her in the crib.

"Time for bed big guy," I whisper ruffling his hair. His eyes slowly open and he jumps thinking he dropped the baby until he sees her safe in the crib, "She's fine. Buck, you're exhausted," I whisper. He nods his head and follows me into our room. I tell him to lie down and he immediately does so as I shut the door. I change out of my towel and into one of Buck's t-shirts. Once I lay down he's pulling me into his arms half asleep.

"Night," he whispers. I smile as I rub his arm that's around my waist. This is one of the best parts of my day.



Has anyone watched that new Night Agent show? Cause the main guy is kinda.....

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