Part 7: Christopher

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---Erica's POV---

It's been a week. A week without a job. A week without a car. A week without leaving the house. Evan and I have been texting back and forth but he's been working long shifts. I've been job hunting and haven't found anything. It feels like everything is moving a mile a minute and if I stop to catch one breath I'll be even more behind. All I keep thinking is that I'm a 25 year old loser with no job and no future. I have nothing. No passions. No leads to where I'm headed. I turn over in my bed and grab my phone from the nightstand as it starts to ring. I click answer without seeing who is was.

"Hey, how you feeling?" Evan asks though the phone. I sit up in my bed quickly shocked he was calling. We normally only text, "I'm okay, my bruises are basically gone," I say smiling into the phone. I hear commotion on the other end of the line. A loud rustling occurs and I hear another voice," Is Buck bothering you again Erica?" Eddie asks. I hear loud footsteps and assume that Buck is chasing after Eddie.

"What is going on?" I say laughing into the phone.

"Buck and I were going to hang out at my place tonight would you like to join us?" he asks. I hear Evan yelling at him to stop and the phone gets pulled away from him. Soon after his voice comes through the speaker.

"Sorry about him"

"I would love to come if you don't mind," I say, as he catches his breath. An alarm goes off over the phone and he hangs up before telling me to invite Mickey. After the call ends I text Mickey we are going to Eddies tonight and get back a bunch of happy emojis.

I get a text from Evan saying the address and to come over around 7. I check the time and see that it is 4 already.

I'm nervous. I showered, shaved, and waited for Mickey to get home. Danny came home early and was offended he wasn't invited. Obviously he was joking but I did feel bad. He's choosing to have a nice night in. Mickey comes into the apartment with a huge smile throwing her purse onto the couch.

"Are we planning on looking hot tonight or comfy?" she asks.

"We can do both. I think we are staying in," I say not really knowing what we are doing. She pulls me into her bedroom and has me look through her closet. I grab a cute shirt that will show off my curves but not in a desperate way. She chooses a cute shirt and her legging that make her legs look good. I go into my room and change into my favorite pair of black skinny jeans. I check the time and see that it's only 6:30. I sit down at my vanity and put on light makeup so that I don't look dead tonight. I finish is quickly and walk in as Mickey sprays her perfume getting a face full of it. I sit on her bed and watch her do her hair. Danny leans against the door looking at us," You guys look pretty," He smiles. I thank him as Mickey finishes. She turns around asking if I'm ready and I nod. We say goodbye to Danny and hop into her car. I turn on my GPS and tell her the way there, "Are you nervous?" she asks.

"I mean yeah. I'm more excited to see him now that we don't see each other at the corner store"

"Is tonight a get to know each other, one simple kiss night or a if it leads to sex so be it kind of night?" she asks. I sit there thinking, "I'm definitely not opposed looking for a hookup. I wanna see where this goes. Also you remember how my last night out went, "I say while laughing at my last experience.

"Hopefully, Buck doesn't get all sweaty and sound like a dying cat in your ear," she laughs. I cringe thinking about how weird some men are. We park across the street on the road and hop out of the car.

"You excited to actually talk to Eddie instead of seeing him from across the bar?" I ask. She pushes me before linking our arms and walking into the building. My side hurts a little bit but I ignore it in order to have a good night. We go to the floor he lives on and knock on the front door. The front door slowly opens up and a little boy with glasses looks up at us.

"Daddy they're here," he screams. He smiles at us before letting us in. Mickey and I give each other a look before following him with bright smiles. Eddie comes running over smiling down at the boy. Evan comes in shortly after holding a beer.

"Christopher this is Erica and Mickey," He says, pointing to us.

"Buck is this the one you always talk about," he says while laughing.

"I thought we were best friends," he says looking offended. Eddie shuts the door behind us and takes Mickey and Christopher into the living room. Evan stands with me in the kitchen handing me a beer.

"I didn't know Eddie had a kid. He's adorable" I tell him, sitting on the counter in front of him. He leans on the counter getting closer to me, this guy is smooth I have to admit, "Christopher is his whole life. Eddie was nervous Mickey would be weirded out by him having a kid".

"Mickey loves kids she's always wanted one. If anything it will make her like Eddie more. Nothings hotter than a guy who is good with kids," I tell him while sipping my beer. He leans his head back before smirking at me, "Good thing he loves me then".

"Are you ever gonna kiss me, Buckley?" I whisper. He moves his hand to my cheek connecting our lips . Smaller footsteps come into the room and a young voice laughs in the room," You guys coming?" he asks. Evan gives him a smile before helping me off the counter. We walk into the main room and see Mickey laughing with Eddie. I can already tell they are hitting it off.

"Carla is on her way to take Christopher for the night," Eddie tells us.

"Boo. We are only here for him," Mickey jokes. Evan sits down on a chair in the corner, pulling me onto his lap. I get eyes from Mickey and give her a surprised look as well.

"Christopher, what can you tell us about Eddie and Buck?" Mickey asks as he sits down next to her. The front door opens and a lady walks in, Christopher gets up excitedly and walks over yelling Carla. I get off of Evans lap and watch them all give each other sweet hugs, "You guys go back to enjoying your night, I'll have him home tomorrow," she smiles.

"Thank you Carla, I'm forever in debt to you," Eddie says. Chris gives Buck and Eddie a hug before walking out with Carla, "Christopher is the cutest kid I have ever met," I smile, as Eddie grabs us all a beer.

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