Part 2: Forced Shift

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-Erica's POV--

How am I supposed to run a store on my own for eight hours when I have no idea what I'm doing. I wasn't trained to close. They gave me the security password and then left. I know it shouldn't be that hard but it's scary. I should get paid more for this. I really need to invest in some pepper spray.

Usual costumers come in asking if we sell whatever item they need and most of the time its a no. Obviously a corner store doesn't sell tires, what's wrong with people.


I get a text from my manager I can close early since I'm alone tonight. I check the clock and see it's 9:43. Wow thanks for letting me go 15 minutes early. Fucking assholes. I grab the keys from the drawer and start walking around the store to make sure it's empty. After seeing it is, I head to the front door and get pushed back only to realize someone is opening it. The guy walks in and I immediately recognize his birth mark. Unexpected.

"I'm so sorry, are you closing?" he asks. I start to say yeah but decide another 15 minutes won't kill me. I open the door for him and lock behind him so no one else comes in, "Sorry, I've become errand boy for my coworkers and this was the closest place," he yells from the fridges. I hear something crash to the floor and go running over. The first thing I see is him with wide eyes and a guilty looking face. A can busted open on the floor leaking everywhere. He rubs the back of his neck and gives me a small smile, "You are seriously gonna make me regret letting you in here," I say sarcastically while rolling my eyes. I go to the front of the store and grab him a basket and the cleaning stuff from the back office. He takes the mop from my hand before I can protest.

"So, do you always work night shifts?" he asks, leaning on the mop with a smile that seems to always be glued to his face.

"Unfortunately yes, but it's not so bad. I'm definitely not a morning person," I tell him, grabbing the mop from him to put back. I check the clock and see it's 9:53. He grabs the basket and continues shopping as I put away the cleaning supplies. I look down at the floor and see him in the camera coming towards the register, "Do you guys sell beer here?" he asks setting the basket down on the counter.

"No sorry, there is a liquor store down the street," I tell him. I continue to scan his stuff before a loud bang comes from the front door. I check the clock and see it's 9:59. Who is trying to get in right now? I look up at him and see he's walking over to the door and telling the person we are closed. He locks the door back up and jogs back over to the register, "Did you just move up here?" I ask him.

"No, I'm a regular shopper of this place but usually during the day. I guess I'll have to start coming here at night now," he says with a smirk, after taking his card out of the reader and grabbing his bags. I blush and follow behind him opening up the door. I watch him leave before clocking out and locking up the shop behind me. I grab my keys from out of my purse and see a car slowly driving down the road. My heartrate starts picking up as they slow down next to me. I click my keys to start running to my car when the window starts rolling down. I quickly look over and see the guy in the car, "Sorry to scare you. I just wanted to make sure you got to your car alright," He yells. He gives me a farewell grin as he watches me get into my car before driving off.

Danny's gonna be mad to hear about another guy but at least I talked to him this time.

"Guess who's home?" I yell into the apartment as I shut the door. I see Danny on the couch and Mickey no where to be seen. I'm surprised they aren't still at dinner, "How was work?"

"Surprisingly good, how was dinner?" I ask.

"Mickey found a guy at the bar so I ended up going home alone," he tells me.

"Why am I not surprised? That girl can pull," I laugh. I go into the kitchen and see a plate with food on it from the restaurant they went to. I pop my head into the Livingroom and tell him a quick thank you. He tosses me a drink when I sit down and click continue on the tv.

"So, you know how you always complain that I never talk to men?" I ask.

"yeah, when's that gonna change?" He says with a raised eyebrow.

"Tonight apparently. The birth mark guy came back in and I'm pretty sure he was flirting with me as he left. Plus he made sure I got to my car okay," I say with a bright smile on my face.

"Sounds like a decent guy. But do you even know his name? I'm pretty sure it's not birth mark guy," He says, while sipping on his drink. For the month that I have been here Danny and I have gotten really close. Mickey always left us alone so we would talk and he would invite me to hangout with his friends. We've become best friends and Mickey is grateful we get along so well.

"So, all you know about this guy is that he has a birth mark and he's tall?" He asks.

"Yeah, and he's dating or friends with a girl named Maddie. I'm hoping they are just friends," I smile. He rolls his eyes and continues watching his show as I eat. This has become a regular routine for us.

I love the restaurants in LA they always taste amazing. I put my dish into the dishwasher and see Danny fell asleep on the couch. I grab the blanket and put it over him and shut the lights off before walking into my bedroom.

I don't wanna go to work tomorrow.

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