Part 28: For Us to Decorate

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--Erica's POV--

I've decided to start decorating the apartment for Christmas. Everyone has been telling me how much he loves the holiday. It has been a couple days since I saw him moving and still nothing. Even Chimney woke up quicker after a rebar went through his head. I'm starting to get worried he will never wake up. I'm trying to hide the fact that I'm becoming pessimistic about the whole thing...but it's hard. Maddie comes over a lot after work and we always talk avoiding the elephant in the room. Something about today seems different though. Its probably from decorating but I can feel it. He's gonna wake up today. He has to wake up today.

How does he not have a step stool? I have looked everywhere for one. I guess he is really tall. Now I'm gonna have to wait for him to decorate the high places. I'm excited to decorate the tree with him. I set up the tree but it's completely naked. I finish putting up small little ceramic santas and reindeer as the clock hits 9 pm. I wasn't planning on visiting him tonight but I have to.

- -

Did I wear one of his shirts because it's comfy and smells like him? Yes. I just arrived to the hospital after a long drive cause of traffic. I don't think I'll ever get used to LA living. Every time I walk into the hospital it feels so empty. The feeling that circulates the air sends a shiver through my spine. The people who work here deserve medals. How could they still find happiness in the world after seeing so much death? I've been here for almost 2 weeks and I never want to step foot in here again.

- -

"Erica, we go through this every night. Visitors hours are closed at 10," the nurse tells me. I look at my phone and see it's 10:15. I give her a small smile grabbing my purse off the floor, "Don't tell anyone but you can stay till Midnight. After that the doctors go on their rounds," She tells me with a sympathetic smile. I thank her getting comfortable in my seat. I grab the remote and turn on a crappy channel on the tv. I lay my head down on the bed next to him and try to get comfortable.

You would think they would get some good movies in here for people waiting with their loved ones. Or if the patient is stuck here.

I check my phone and see it's 11:35. I guess I was wrong...todays not the day. I sit down on the side of his bed, wrapping my arms around him, "Goodnight Buckley". I turn around opening the door seeing no doctors down the hallways. I shut the door behind me quickly going down the halls not to get caught. I thought I shouldn't push my luck by leaving right at 12. Maddie is supposed to visit him tomorrow. I have a short shift so it shouldn't be too bad.

- -

Alarms have to ranked as one of the most annoying sound's in the world. That's the one thing I miss about working at the corner store. No alarm cause I was always the night shift. I slam my hand down on my alarm shutting off the noise. A couple seconds later my phone starts ringing obnoxiously loud. I groan grabbing it seeing it's Maddie.

"What's up? I thought you were visiting Buck?" I ask, wiping the sleep from my eyes. I put my phone on speaker as I start getting dressed for work. She tells me she called me out of work and I hear her talking to someone. The doctor must have come in. I grab one of Bucks sweatshirts sliding it over myself, kicking off my work slacks. I slip on some leggings instead before picking up the phone again.

"The doctor thinks it would be best if you came in today," she tells me. Why would the doctor wanna talk to me? I sit down on the bed putting on my shoes before running downstairs. Hopefully it's all good news. I hurry into my car and drive to the hospital. Halfway through the drive, I get a text from Eddie. I wait until pulling into the parking lot and walking in to check it.

Eddie: Did Maddie call you too?

Erica: Yeah, I'm here now

Eddie: Turn around

I turn around and see him with Christopher running to catch up. I fist bump Christopher and walk inside and to his room. I wonder why she only called us. I walk into the room and see Maddie standing in front of him, "Hey, is everything okay?" I ask. She steps to the side and we can see Buck sitting up in his bed eating a pudding cup. I yell happily and run over to him.

"How do you feel?" I ask, holding his hand in mine.

"I feel great now that you're here," he smiles. Not even five minutes and he's already being his usual Buck self. He pulls me towards him connecting our lips. I don't think I've ever been so happy. I feel a hand on my leg and turn around seeing Christopher. I get out of the way and help him to sit on the bed. Buck looks really happy to see him which of course makes me even happier if that's possible. I turn around and hug Maddie, "Thank you for calling us".

"I thought you guys would want to see him before I called everyone else" Buck looks over at me smiling as Christopher tells him about school and what he has missed. He's always talkative when he's around Buck, it's adorable. Eddie interrupts Chris saying a few words to Buck before taking Christopher to get us coffee with Maddie. I sit back down with a big smile.

"Can I ask you a question?" I ask. He nods his head, holding my hand, "Could you hear us when you were....ya know?" I ask.

"No, I couldn't hear anything. It felt like I was asleep for a year," He says.

"That's probably a good thing. I think you would have gotten bored with me talking nonstop," I laugh. He gives me a look, "You visited me everyday?" He asks.

"Of course, you were never really alone. Maddie and I always had opposite schedules and I was always here when I could be. Nobody should be alone when they wake up in the hospital," I tell him. I lift my head looking in his eyes and feel emotional being able to look at him again.

"Maddie  told me you started decorating without me," he says fake frowning.

"Don't worry the tree is waiting for you to decorate it," I smile, pressing our lips in a sweet kiss.

"For us to decorate," he corrects.

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