Part 16: I thought they stopped

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--Erica's POV--

I have the worst hangover. I drank way too much and sang way to many songs with Maddie. She's crazy talented. Chim kept joking I stole his singing partner. It was nice getting to know him and finally learning the story of why they call him chimney. I hear music blasting downstairs and groan, throwing a pillow over my head as a hand rips the blanket off me. I gasp at the cold air and move my head glaring at him. He's wearing a loose tank top and shorts.

"Are you seriously working out right now?" I ask, slowly sitting up. He passes me a water and two small pills. I take them quickly groaning as he opens the blinds, "I'm this close to breaking up with you Buckley".

"You love me too much," he smiles.

"Yeah okay sureeeee"

I finish drinking all of the water before standing up from the bed. I feel my head getting dizzy and grab onto the railing to steady my feet. I look over at Evan smiling and try to focus my vision on him, "What did you give me?" I whisper, falling to the floor.

- - -

I spring up in the bed gasping for air. My lungs heavy as my head pounds. I look to the side and see Evan asleep and look at the window. I grab my phone and see I've only been asleep for a couple hours. It was just a dream? I stand off of the bed and walk to the bathroom. I fix my disheveled hair and splash my face with cold water. I hear a small knock at the door and jump. It slowly pushes open by a sleepy Buck, "You okay?" he asks. I give him a small smile before telling him I'm fine and to go back to bed. He gives me a hesitant look before going back to bed.

I thought I was done with those dreams. I thought I was passed that part of my life when I moved here. I turn on the shower stripping out of my clothes. I open the curtain stepping inside under the warm water. They stopped once I got to LA....why would they start again now? I'm finally happy. It has to be becuase of the fight between Danny and I. Him bringing up my past must have opened that part of my brain again. I don't want Evan to deal with this part of me. He's already gone through so much. He doesn't need another burden on him.

- -

I don't know how long I was in the shower for. When I came out the sun was rising and Evan was back asleep. He has an early shift today with Eddie. Thankfully I'm off. Maybe I could invite Mickey and Maddie over to have a girls day and actually talk without the guys around. I go into the kitchen and look in Evans fridge. This guy needs to stock the fridge with actual food not just healthy shit. I take out some eggs and decide to make him a high protein breakfast. I check the time and see it's nearly 7 am, meaning Evans alarm should be going off any second now. I place his plate on the counter in front of the chairs and start making myself some breakfast.

An alarm rings, he groans, then silence. Footsteps come down the stairs and shortly after his hands find my waist, "What are you doing up so early?" he asks, kissing my cheek.

"I never went back to bed, there is breakfast on the counter. Eat you have a big day ahead of you," I say, kissing him softly. He walks over smiling, "What did I do to deserve this?" He asks.

"Who said you deserved it?" I laugh.

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