Part 22: Better than Eddie's Food

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--Erica's POV--

Instead of texting my mother back, I turned my phone off all night and enjoyed hanging out with everybody. I did not expect to see Eddie and Buck singing together after a couple shots, but my phone will surely keep that memory. Mickey and Eddie ended up sharing the couch downstairs cause our place was the closest to the bar and we were all too wasted to drive. Christopher is with Carla but she's gonna bring him over here around 1.

I turn on my side and see Evan still sleeping. He has his mouth open and is drooling on his pillow. What a beauty. I laugh to myself before getting up and heading downstairs. Eddie and Mickey are curled up on the couch together. They are adorable. I go over to fix the blanket on them and realize they are naked. I scream unintentionally scaring them awake. I cover my eyes and walk into the kitchen. Evan is standing in his room looking down asking what happened. He wipes the sleep from his eyes before walking down the stairs. I can't help but stare at him in gray sweatpants and no shirt.

"Our friends decided to have sex on the couch last might," I inform him, passing him a cup of coffee. He grimaces and sits on the counter. Now were gonna have to clean it....gross.

"Oh shut up its not like you guys haven't had sex on it," Mickey says, coming into the room with what she had on yesterday. I run upstairs and grab some comfy clothes throwing them at her. She thanks me before excusing herself to the bathroom.

"I'd say we get even but I wouldn't wanna scar Christopher for the rest of his life," I smile. Mickey walks into the kitchen looking exhausted. It sucks that May isn't old enough to be able to go out drinking with us. I guess that would be weird for Athena and Bobby. Mickey passes Eddie his phone and he thanks her quietly.



Buck and Eddie have been playing video games for almost two hours. I can't tell who Christopher is cheering for anymore. Mickey and I are sitting in the kitchen making food. I love their bond, "I want kids," I say, chopping onions. Mickey chokes on her drink and looks at me like I'm crazy, "Not now, oh my god" I laugh at her expression and hear Christopher laughing from the living room.

"I was gonna say. You guys are moving fast but that would be insane," She points out.

"Do you think I made a mistake moving in with him?" I ask quietly, putting the onions into the pot. She sits there silently for a couple seconds thinking, "I think it could have been one. But I've never seen you so happy"

"How are you and Eddie?" I ask.

"I'm over there all the time. Thankfully Chris likes me. I love spending time with him and we go on at least one date a week. I think we are good for each other. He's just hesitant with letting Chris really get to know me"

"That's understandable though becuase of what happened to his mother. I couldn't imagine going through that. Christopher and him are so strong"

"I just want him to do things as he's comfortable. I don't want him to feel forced or anything," she smiles, while blushing.

"Who thought we would both be head over heels for two hot firefighters," I laugh. I feel hands on my waist and feel Evan giving me a kiss on the head. He steels a carrot from the table as he slaps my ass running away.

"If he slaps my ass one more time I'm gonna start slapping his," I joke.

"Don't lie you love it," she smirks. I roll my eyes at her comment....even if it might be true. She finishes chopping up the veggies as I grab the chicken from the fridge. I hate cooking with raw chicken but it tastes good.



"Boys, dinner" I call sounding like a mother. I hear Evan groan at Christopher turning off the game and I can't help but laugh.

"But mom we were in the middle of a game," Eddie whines throwing a fake tantrum. We all laugh at him and set the table. I turn around and run into Evan hitting him with a plate. I quickly apologize, putting the plate down when he pulls me in for a hug.

"It's fine, you've been stressed all day. It's just us," he whispers, kissing my cheek. I feel my body warming up in his hold and thank him. I put the food on the table and watch as everyone digs in.

"Tastes better than dads food," Christopher tells us. Eddie makes an ouch face but agrees as he goes for seconds.

"Why thank you"

I could get used to being the "family" cook. I love it, it normally destresses me but I was nervous cooking for them. Mickey and Evan have had my cooking but I wanted Eddie and Chris's approval.

Thankfully I got it.

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