Part 27: Goodnight For a Second Time

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--Erica's POV--

It's been a week without him. A week isn't that long but right now it feels like a lifetime. I hate living in his apartment alone. I hate going to bed without him. I miss talking to him everyday.

Maddie forced me to visit him today and took my shift. I told her she should be there for when he wakes up but she just said he would much rather see me. I grab my purse and get into my car blasting my music. My routine has completely changed. I feel like I haven't eaten all week. I know I haven't, I couldn't. I know if he was awake he would be yelling at me to eat. The only things in my mind are work, Eddies, and the hospital.

I walk in and give a smile to the people at the front desk as I walk to his room and sit in the chair I have been sitting in everyday this week.

"Hey Buckaroo, I had dinner at Eddie's house last night. We miss you. But don't let that get to your head," I laugh. I feel crazy talking out loud. He probably can't even hear me. A nurse comes in to check his vitals making the usual small talk. Another doctor comes in with a chart and looks at me asking if I'm family.

"No, I'm his girlfriend. Is everything okay?" I ask.

"Not much has changed but nurses have been noticing movement during the night, which is a good sign. However, he has been comatose for much longer than we expected him to be. It's nothing to be alarmed about he just might take some extra time," He tells me. I thank him as he walks out to help his next patient. I look at Buck, "And you had the audacity to make fun of me when I take a nap for too long".

- - - - - - -

This time of night is the worst. It's the time they kick out all the visitors. Why can't I stay with him? It's not like I'm gonna go wondering the hospital. I grab my purse from the floor and connect my lip with his cheek, "Goodnight Evan"

I make sure to turn the light off behind me as I hear a mumbled word. I hit the light switch and run to his side. I touch his arm trying to see if I actually heard him speak, "Evan? It's me," I whisper, bringing my hand to his cheek. His eyebrows twitch at my touch. Please wake up. Please. I turn around at the sound of a nurse telling me I have to leave. I tell her what he's doing and she says it's been happening every night.

"Evan, please open your eyes," I whisper. I know he can do it. I just don't know how I can help him.

Another twenty minutes has past and he hasn't moved again. The nurse was was nothing. I wipe the tears that fell off my cheek and move myself to his side again. My hands wrap around his as I say goodnight for a second time.

Falling For the Firefighter  - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now