Part 3: We Meet Again

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--Erica's POV--

Friday nights are always the slowest because no one wants to go shopping the night before the weekend apparently. I don't complain it just makes it an easy shift. I always bring my laptop with me to try and pass the time. There are probably 2-3 costumers an hour. I dont get why we stay open but an easy pay check is an easy pay check. I look at the website of the school nearby to see how much classes are. Still out of my price range. What career is for me? I'm almost 26 and I have no idea what I'm doing and as more time passes the more freaked out I get. Mickey is a crazy business women. She could afford to live on her own but would miss us too much. Danny basically designs half the things you see in Hollywood. They always tell me that I should follow my dreams but what do you do if you don't have any. I continue to scroll through the community college listings. God...maybe I should have settled with my parents. At least then I would have stability.

I hear the bell above the door ring and ignore it. I click on a quiz from the college and see it's for what job is right for you. This quiz is designed for teenagers starting their lives. I wish I could turn back time but keep what I have and who is in my life, "How are you tonight?" a familiar voice asks. I take my gaze off the computer screen and see birth mark leaning against the counter with a tight shirt on and gray sweatpants. I check the clock and see it's a full hour before closing.

"You've come early tonight" I tease, going to close my laptop. He looks down at the laptop and backs away, "Sorry was I interrupting, I always seem to do that," He laughs.

"No, I'm just...It's nothing," I smile.

"Maybe I can help you,' He offers. I give him a weird look and sit back on the chair we keep behind the counter. First he makes sure I get into my car okay and now hes asking to help me out. Who is this man? I politely decline his offer and put my computer away knowing he will most likely be here for a little while, "How was your shift today?" he asks, starting to walk away from the counter. My eyes follow him moving from isle to isle looking for something.

"Like any other day"

"You don't talk much do you?" he asks, standing up and looking over at me from the back end of the store. His hand reaches for something and puts it in his basket. What could a guy need when he's been here the past three nights?

"I do...just not to strange guys who come into the store,' I retort. He gives me a fake offended look while laughing, "So you think I'm a strange man?"

"I mean...people don't normally come to the same store three nights in a row," I point out. He shakes his head while holding up his hands, "Maybe you're right". He walks over to the counter with a full basket like every other night, "but who says I'm shopping just for myself," He says. I slowly start ringing him up, "So, who really needs all this? a girlfriend? wife? husband?" I tease.

"Nothing like that. My sister just had a baby and I'm doing what I can to help out. Plus my job made me their errand boy remember," He explains. The song Still Into You by Paramore starts playing from my playlist. I see him moving his head to the song and sing the lyrics in my head.

"That's very nice of you.....for your sister I mean," I smile putting the last item in the bag. He puts his card into the machine and the transaction goes through meaning it's his time to leave. He picks up the bags saying a quick have a good night before walking out the front door. I put my laptop back onto the counter and hear the bell chime a couple minutes later. The familiar voice pops back up walking over to me, "Hey, this was in the bag and I didn't know if you dropped it in. I'll see you around," he smiles. jogging back outside. I pick up the piece of paper he placed on the counter and look at it.

maybe all our interaction don't have to be while you're working


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