Part 12: Get Comfortable

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--Erica's POV--

I'm nervous for Evan to come over. He was here once before when I was in the accident but he hasn't come back since then. His apartment is more convenient and sexy. Mickey has been helping me clean for when he gets here. Danny has been ignoring me and decided to stay in his room. It's not the comment that bugged me it's the fact that he has never once made a comment about Mickey's love life, "How come the plans changed?" She asks.

"I saw him after the café and he said he should come here to talk to Danny," I tell her, folding the blankets on the couch. She gives me wide eyes before sitting down with her glass of wine, "Talk? As in with his fists?"

"He was joking. I didn't tell him what the fight was about so I'm hoping Danny stays in his room all night," I say, grabbing my glass of wine from the kitchen. We just made the apartment more cozy. I also ordered take out from this Chinese place down the street. I get a text that hes here and Mickey quickly exits back into her bedroom. I thank her for everything and text him to come right up. I go into my room and take off my cardigan, while cleaning up my hair. I choose to dress comfy instead of hot. I have on an old school shirt that I cut into a crop top and a pair of black leggings. I hear the front door open and walk back out carrying two beers from the kitchen. He's wearing his famous tight shirt, sweat pants combo. One of my personal favorites. He kicks his shoes off and joins me on the couch, giving me a quick kiss.

"How was work?" I ask, passing him his food. I sit on the floor and grab a couple pieces of sweet and sour chicken, "It was an average shift. I was gonna offer to take you to dinner. I was starving. How did you remember this is what I order?" He asks stuffing his face.

"I wanna take the credit but I texted Maddie and she told me," I smile. He sits back on the couch sipping his beer, "I'm happy you and my sister are getting along," He tells me.

"I forgot to tell you that we went to dinner the other night for work," I tell him making him happy.

"I was thinking we could watch a movie tonight. There is this one movie with Ryan Reynolds. I haven't seen it in forever and no offense but that man could get it," I smile.

"I'd be offended but I he is attractive," He laughs. I clean up my food boxes and grab his and put them into the kitchen. I grab two more beers and turn the lights off as Evan turns on the tv. I pass him the second beer and grab a blanket sitting next to him. He pulls me into his side making my cheeks spark. He passes me the remote and I turn on the moving Waiting...

I put the remote on the table and feel Evan moving around. I move away from him and see him laying down with his back leaning on the side of the couch. He pulls me between his legs and puts his hands in mine. Throughout the movie his hands continued to play with mine. I could guarantee a smile was on my face the entire time. I hear a door open and see Mickey hesitantly walking out.

"Micks, this is your house," I laugh scaring her. She walks more into view with a big smile.

"Well aren't you two adorable?" she teases. Evans hand continues to play with mine as Mickey talks to us. I notice that she changed her clothes and give her a look, "Eddie actually invited me over tonight to watch movies with him and Christopher," She smiles.

"Watch out he steals all the popcorn," Evan says.

She grabs her keys with a goodbye and locks up behind her. I'm excited for us to be dating best friends. I'm curious what Evan would label this as, is it weird I don't call him Buck?

"I have a question"

"I might have an answer"

"Would you rather me call you Buck?" I ask. I sit up in front of him and turn towards him. I sit with my legs to my chest as he takes my hand in his again.

"Everyone calls me Buck, but you are not everyone," He smiles, bringing my hands to his lips to leave a gentle kiss. Who knew Evan Buckley could be such a romantic? He's cheesy but in a good way. I excuse myself from the bathroom and quickly do my business not wanting to leave him alone for too long. I fix my hair a little and see him texting on his phone. I walk back over to the couch and get pulled onto it. Evan positions me on his lap making me smile. I drape my arms on his shoulders and smile at his innocent face. His hand slides up my side and lands on my face. He pulls me in connecting our lips. His taking over mine always winning the dominance between us. Our mouths move in sync as his hands caress my body. I slide my shirt off slowly as he moves his hands to my bare skin, "Maybe you should show me why those girls used to call you firehose," I smirk, kissing under his ear. He flips us around on the couch carefully pressing his body against me.

"I'm offended you weren't impressed," He says between each word as he kisses down my chest. Light footsteps walk into the kitchen as Evan sucks a hickey onto my neck. I giggle as he attacks my lips in feverish kisses, "Jesus Christ remember the apartment rules," Danny groans walking back into his room.  Evan sits up giving me a weird look, "Still haven't talked since earlier?" he asks. I grab my shirt from the floor and slip it on, trudging into Danny's room.

"Seriously, what is your problem?" I state, not caring if Evan hears. He puts his headphones on and goes back to planning out a design, ignoring me. I push off his headphones making him yell at me.

"What is your problem?"

"I don't know what you're talking about". He grabs his headphones off the floor and puts them on his desk. The look on his face is enough to slap him. He's sitting their with his arms crossed like a toddler.

"Is it Evan? Do you not like Evan is that it?" I ask confused, "I didn't know I needed your permission to have someone over"

"Oh come on, you've never brought him over before but after today you decide its a good time?" He asks, getting in my face.

"What happened to us being there for each other and supporting us no matter what?" I ask, I don't want to fight with him. I shouldn't have come in here yelling but I don't regret calling him out, "You don't even know haven't even given him a chance. You talked more with Eddie for Mickey that night at the party," I point out.

"I know I don't know him. You don't either. What happened to you? What happened to the innocent Erica who wouldn't sleep with a guy before the first date?" He asks.

"Excuse me?" I ask, feeling tears well up in my eyes. He goes to touch my hand and I pull away. Why is he treating me like a child? I know we haven't been friends for long but he feels like family to me. I'm done changing for men and I will not start again for Danny. I haven't told them much about why I actually left my home town, but he knows enough. I can almost see the regret in his eyes as he watches me leave his room.

I put on a smile before walking back into the living room. I join Evan back on the couch and assure him in okay. He gives me a weak smile, putting his hand in mine. I press play and try to ignore what just happened.

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