Part 23: Baby Number 2

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--Erica's POV--

I take my hair down out of its ponytail and grab my phone off the counter seeing a text from Mickey. I read through the hundreds of messages telling me it's urgent and call her immediately.

"Hey, Mick. Are you okay?" I ask as soon as she answers. She starts crying over the phone freaking me out. She hangs up and texts me she's driving over. I put my phone on the counter and quickly shower to get the sweat off me from my work out. Did something happen with her and Eddie? I quickly run upstairs changing into sweats as she walks in. I run down to her and she immediately breaks down in my arms, "Hey....hey it's okay," I whisper.

- -

I managed to get her to the couch as she started calming down. She wipes her eyes whispering she's sorry. I put my hand on her shoulder and ask her what's wrong but she can't manage to get the words out before she starts crying.

"Is it something to do with your job?" I ask. She shakes her head walking to the fridge and grabbing two beers. She opens both of them and is about to take a sip when she freaks out and puts the bottle down.

"Mickey, what's going on?" I ask. She repositions herself on the couch and holds my hands, "I'm pregnant"

I stare at her with wide eyes as she starts freaking out again, "Did you take a test?" I ask.

"Yes, I took three and all of them were positive....Erica what do I do?" she asks with tears rolling down her face. She lays in my arms as she breaks down. I have no idea what to say. She's always wanted kids but when she was married and settled down. How will Eddie feel? He already has a kid. The front door opens and I see Buck with a big smile as he kicks off his shoes. He stops his movements as he see's Mickey. I shake my head and he gives me an empathetic look before walking upstairs quietly.

"Have you told him?" I whisper, pushing the hair out of her eyes. She shakes her head no while holding her stomach, "You never know how he's gonna react, he would never leave you. Plus we know hes a great father," I point out.

"Eddie is too good of a man to be stuck with an unwanted child. That's the last thing I want to do to him. He already has so much on his plate without this one," She says.

"It's late, why don't you stay the night and I will make an appointment tomorrow to make sure you actually are," I tell her.

"Thank you, I just didn't know what to do"

"What are best friends for," I smile, taking the beer off the table. I run upstairs quickly passing a beer to Buck and placing mine down. I grab a blanket and pillow from the closet and bring it downstairs to Mickey, "Everything is gonna be okay" I tell her. She thanks me again and curls up on the couch, exhausted from crying. I place a water on the table in front of her before going back upstairs to Buck.

"Everything okay?" he asks as I lay down next to him.

"We will know more tomorrow" I say, holding his hand in mine. He doesn't press anymore which I'm thankful for and get under the blanket getting comfortable. I can't imagine what she's going through.

Falling For the Firefighter  - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now