Part 30: rebound

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--Erica's POV--
"Buckley, stop it. You're gonna hurt yourself," I scold. He reluctantly starts climbing down from the ladder. He was putting decorations on the top of the tree. He sneaks an arm around me when he stands beside me, "the doctor gave me the okay. If I can't go back to work I can at least decorate the house," he tells me. The ornaments look really cute pulling everything together.

"Eddie said he was stopping by after work," I tell him, walking into the kitchen. Buck takes a water out of the fridge and leans on the counter in front of me. His eyes squint as he winces from the pain in his chest. I go to walk over but he tells me he's fine.

"You have to stop lying that you're okay, let me take care of you," I tell him. He lets me drag his hand into the living room and push him on the couch.

"I'm liking where this is going," he smirks. I roll my eyes and throw a blanket at him and turn the tv on. He groans sitting up again.

"For the last time I'm fine. You gotta stop worrying about me," he tells me. He goes to get up but I push him down again. I sit down next to him and he leans over trying to give me a kiss and hisses in pain. I pull his shirt up and see and see a large blood mark seeping through the bandages. I quickly run to the bathroom and grab the extra bandages we have for when he has to change them. Buck stays put on the couch as I come over, knowing I would yell at him if he tried to move.

"It shouldn't be bleeding, that means you're doing too much," I point out. He puts a hand on my waist and watches me change his bandage. I throw the other one in the trash and run back over after washing my hands. He grabs the remote to turn on the tv on.

"Hey guys, I brought over some Italian," he smiles.

"So, how are you and Mickey doing?" I ask. He sits down and stares at the food not answering the question, "what the fuck did she do?" Buck asks with a joking tone. When we realize he's not laughing we give him concerned looks. I slide into the chair in front of him and grab some of the food as he plays with his.

"Eddie, what happened?" He asks, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I walked in on her....with another guy. I went to surprise her with a dinner date like this and she was there on the couch," he tells us.

"I'm gonna kill that bitch. She's not only cheating on you but Christopher," I ramble. My phone is ringing on the nightstand upstairs as I grab it. I see it's Mickey and pick it up.

"Erica...I made a mistake," she cries. I can hear the sound of a car parking through the phone and try to hold in my resentment. I excuse myself and step into the hallway so Eddie doesn't have to hear me talking to her, "Don't you dare come here to tell me about your fucking mistake," I whisper yell.

"Please, I need to talk to someone"

"If you think for one second I'm gonna listen to the story of you cheating on Eddie you're wrong," I yell. She starts crying again on the phone and tries to convince me it wasn't her fault.

"Mickey, you broke his heart. Eddie deserves better than some bitch who's gonna get close to his son and vanish. Do me a favor and lose my number," I tell her. She's goes to talk but I hang up ashamed my so called best friend would do that. I run a stressed hand through my hair before opening the door. Eddie is sitting there eating as Buck tries to cheer him up.

"Eddie, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault...if Buck and I never met you wouldn't be going through this," I ramble. He gives me the same look we gave him moments ago before shaking his head.

"Erica, believe me I don't regret meeting you. You and Buck are adorable. I'm just disappointed that Chris won't understand," he tells us. I wrap my arms around him from behind and lean my head on his shoulder.

"Why don't we go drinking tonight?" Buck offers.

" can't drink on your meds," I point out. He tells us he will be the DD to try and convince us. The two of us look at each other and shrug when we realize it will be fun. I go into our room and try to pick an outfit, "CLUB OR BAR?" I yell down. They yell back bar. My clothes lack color. The best bet is black ripped skinny jeans and a long sleeve green shirt. It's cold out there plus it's sexy. The guys hurry me along as I run down the stairs. Eddie goes to the bathroom giving Buck the perfect amount of time to plant a sloppy kiss against my lips.

"I can't believe she would do something like this," I whisper, putting my arms on his shoulders.

"Eddie needs a rebound tonight," Bucks says. He grabs the food on the counter and starts cleaning up dinner. I grab a piece of garlic bread and look at him, "do you think a rebound is a good idea?" I ask.

"Yes the best way to get over someone is with sex. He can do it here and we can babysit Christopher tomorrow morning," he tells me. I immediately agree just at the thought of spending time with Chris. Eddie come out of the bathroom shortly after our scheming. He smiles at us and walks with us outside the apartment door.

"Thanks for doing this guys," he says with a sad smile.

"Hey, cheer up. Hot ladies are right around the corner," I smile.

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