Chapter 52: Daycare

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--Erica's POV--
"Can you pass me the-" I ask as he passes me Lydia's binky. I can't help the smile on my face as we pack up her bag for daycare.

"Do you hate this? Cause I hate this," he says as we both stare at our little girl.

"We have been juggling work and parenthood for four months now. She's ready for it," I tell him trying to convince myself as well as him, "She has stopped crying whenever the other parent isn't here," I point out with a smile.

"What if we quit our jobs and spend everyday with you?" He asks in a baby voice as he picks her up out of the rocker. He gives her stomach a raspberry making her giggle. We both widen our eyes and look at each other as she continues giggling.

"Did she just?" I ask staring at her. He nods his head and does everything he can to make her laugh again.

"Of course she does that for the first time right before we have to leave.....Maybe we should take off," I whine as I steal her from his arms. He gives me a look and I sadly pass her over.

"Are we on for dinner tonight?" He asks moving closer to me. I nod my head, leaning up to give him a quick kiss before I have to leave.

"We have to finalize some ideas for the wedding. I still have to ask Maddie to be my maid of honor too," I tell him as he smiles.

"Oh you finally decided, Why not Mickey?" He asks as I shake my head with a sigh.

"We started drifting apart. I don't think our friendship ever recovered from her cheating on Eddie," I tell him honestly.

"I just want to make sure you're picking Maddie cause you want her not cause she's my sister," he says making me roll my eyes.

"She's my best friend and I love her. I'm also really excited for her to be my sister," I tell him as we walk out the front door. I lock up behind us as we make our way to the parking garage.

"Speaking of Maddie," he says as a car pulls up beside us, "Have a good day at work," he says to both of us. I wave to Lydia in his arms before they walk over to his car. When I sit down in the passenger seat she looks at me like she has exciting news.

"What's up, Buckley?" I ask as she happily hits the steering wheel.

"Chimney and I finally finished renovating the kitchen of our new house," she says happily giggling through her sentence, "If you and Buck are free this weekend we would love have you guys and the rest of the team over for a dinner party," she says.

"That sounds amazing. What should I bring?" I ask as she shakes her head no, "Come on I'm not coming empty handed," I tell her.

"Just bring your scrapbook for the wedding and that will be a gift for me. I love weddings and how happy everything is," she tells me as I look at her suspiciously.

"Did you and Chimney get engaged and I didn't know?" I ask trying to see if there's a ring on her finger.

"No. But I don't know there's been a vibe recently," she says as I scream, "Don't get your hopes up," she tells me.

"How can I not? Maybe this year is the year of weddings," I tell her with my eye brows raised.


I am so sorry for the long wait. XOXO

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