Chapter 56: wedding

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--Erica's POV--
I don't know how Maddie pulled this off but I've never been more grateful for anything in my entire life, "I love you," I whisper as she finishes putting the veil in my hair. She looks at me in the mirror and gives me a proud smile.

"There's no one else I'd want to call my sister," she says making me teary eyed, "Don't you dare ruin the makeup," she threatens making me laugh.

"Is everyone here?" I ask. She nods her head and tells me to stop worrying. I look in the mirror and feel overwhelmed by how good I look.

There's a knock at the door and I turn giving Maddie a confused look. She opens the door and I smile at how good she looks in the dark green maid of honor dress, "Didn't mean to interrupt, but I have something old for the bride," Bobby says walking into the room. My something blue is the matching bra and pantie set I was gifted at the bridal shower. The something borrowed was the veil from Athena's wedding. The something new is the dress, and something old was the only thing I didn't have. I want to cry again with how Bobby is looking at me.

"You look beautiful," he says as I pull him in for a hug much to Maddie's dismay. He hands me a box and I give him a confused look before opening it. A silver necklace with a simple diamond is sitting inside, "It was my mother's and I think you'd be better off with it," he says.

"Bobby, this is-."

"Perfect?" He asks making me laugh. Maddie takes it from the box and wraps it around my neck. I look in the mirror and it is perfect.

"It's the perfect fit," I tell him, "I love it. Thank you," I smile.

"I should get back to Buck before he freaks out," he jokes making us both laugh as the door opens again. Hen and May walk in wearing their bridesmaid outfits.

"Holy shit," May says making the girls laugh as I turn around, "Ready to get married?" She asks. I nod my head and shake out the nerves. I feel like I'm either going to pass out or puke when I get up there.

"Let's do this then," Maddie says leading me out. I step outside the room and Bobby is there waiting for me. He holds his arm up and links it with mine as the music starts for me to walk.

The ceremony goes by in a blur and all I remember is the cheering after Buck and I kissed. Lydia was the cutest little flower girl. Everything was perfect, "Hey husband," I smile as Buck turns to me.

"Hello wife," he says leaning down to kiss me, "You are the best thing that's ever happened to me," he whispers making me blush. I'll never get over him saying that.

"Buck," Christopher yells as he walks over with Eddie. We walk from behind the table and give the two a hug.

"Congratulations," Eddie says as he hands us a flask. I thank him and quickly hand it to Buck. They both look at me confused as I just say I'm gonna wait until later. I didn't realize how hectic a wedding night could be. Everybody and I mean everybody wants their chance to talk to the new couple. We don't be to sit down until it's time for Eddie to make his speech.

"First off I just want to say congrats to my best friends for tying the knot. Everyone who knows Buck is still in shock someone decided to put up with him, let alone for the rest of their lives. I'm only kidding. Buck has been my best friend ever since I moved here...he's my brother. The unofficial second father to my son...not in that way," he says making everyone laugh, "Buck always tries to do the right thing but I think bringing Erica into our lives was the best decision he's ever made. Whatever you need she's always there to help you. Their journey as a couple was amazing to watch and I can't wait to continue to be apart of it," he says holding his glass up, "To my family, Erica and Buck," he says. I mouth a thank you as everyone takes a drink from their glass. I take a sip from mine and spit it out when I realize it's spiked.

"What's wrong?" Bucks asks as I discreetly put the glass down.

"I wanted to tell you after the honey moon...but I'm pregnant," I whisper into his ear. He widens his eyes and throws his arms around me. I laugh as he starts laughing with excitement.

"What's going on?" Maddie asks from beside me.

"Do you mind?" He asks. I shake my head and he quickly grabs the microphone from Eddie. I put my hand over my mouth as I can't stop laughing.

"Attention everybody. I have something to say," he says with a shit eating grin, "Erica Buckley...woah that's crazy. My beautiful wife and mother of our amazing daughter Lydia has great news. In 9 short months our family of three will be a family of four," he announces making our friends go ape shit. Maddie looks at me and I nod my head.

"When did you find out?" Athena asks as she walks over, "I knew you had that glow to you," she says making me smile.

"I found out a week ago. I didn't want to make it a thing until after the wedding. I guess the after party is good enough," I joke. Buck comes running around the table hugging me from behind.

"As if tonight couldn't get any better," he says kissing my lips multiple times.

"You've always wanted a big family," I tell him as I stand up. Once the excitement of the baby settles down, Buck and I have a chance to disappear for a little while. He shrugs his suit jacket off and puts it over my shoulders as we walk the tree line. There are lights along the way making it easy to see what's ahead.

"We're married," I say out loud.


"Like husband and wife," I say as he nods his head putting his arm around me.

"Never thought the day would come," he smiles as I lean into his side, "Why didn't you tell me about the baby?" He asks as he pulls me into his arms fully.

"I thought it would be more fun to hear about after the wedding was over. To kind of keep the fun going," I tell him, "I also went to the doctor two days ago just to make sure it wasn't a false alarm," I tell him.

"I'm so excited. Do you think Lydia wants a baby sister or brother?" He asks as I smile thinking about it.

"She always talks about how she misses Christopher whenever he I'm guessing if we are lucky there's a baby boy in here," I tell him touching my stomach a little.

"How far along?" He asks.

"A little under a month," I tell him as he widens his eyes.

"There's never a dull moment in our lives,"
He says leading me back to our guests, "But i wouldn't have it any other way".

"Looks like we are stuck with each other for the long haul"

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