Chapter 54: Spaghetti

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--Erica's POV--

"How did it go?" Buck asks as I walk into the apartment. He jogs over and lifts me into his arms as I laugh, "Seriously, how was it?" He asks putting me back in my own two feet.

"It was good. It was only our first session but I don't know...I think it will be good for me," I tell him as he leans down giving me a kiss, "How was Lydia today?" I ask walking to her nursery.

"She's been fine. But she's not in there," he says with his hands behind his hand. I give him a questioning look and takes my hand, "Eddie offered to babysit and I made up reservations for dinner," he says.

"Buck? Can we afford that right now?" I ask.

"Stop. Just let me spoil you for one night and then we can worry about bills and baby expenses. Trust me we are fine," he says putting his hands on my waist.

"What should I wear?" I ask as his hands tighten in my waist. I smile as he leans down and kisses me again. It finally feels like when we first started dating. He leads me to our room and starts looking at the closet. He pulls out a red dress and throws it at me.

"This will look amazing," he whispers as I put my arms around his neck. He pulls me in and lifts me in his arms, "We have to be ready in two that enough time?" He asks.

I move my head to look at him and smile nodding my head, "I love you," I tell him as he slowly drops me to my feet.

"I love you too and I also love when you get ready on time," he teases. I give him a mock salute as he starts walking to the livingroom. He yells the time again when I run to the shower to clean up some more. I get out of the shower and rush upstairs to dry my hair. Half way through I hear Buck yelling my name and turn the dryer off. I see him walk into the bedroom and he has that look in his eyes.

"Work emergency?" I ask. He bites his lips and looks devastated. I get off my chair and walk over to him. I pull him in for a small hug and kiss his cheek, "Go. I'll be here when you get back," I tell him with a small smile.

"I can miss this one," he says but I shake my head.

"Go save some lives. I'll be here when you get back," I tell him. He tells me loves me again before giving me a quick kiss. I lean once kitchen counter and watch as he grabs his keys and walks out the front door. I stand there in the empty apartment and let out a shaky sigh.

It's not his fault but I have a right to be upset. I walk into the bedroom and look at myself in the mirror. That's when I get an idea. I change into jeans and a sweatshirt before heading downstairs. I look in the cabinet and grab one of my reusable grocery bags. I take all the pasta and sauce from the cabinet and put it inside. I grab the keys to the front door and lock up before leaving. I walk to the car and turn it on letting it get warmer before pulling away.

When I get inside the firehouse it's completely empty. I'm thankful Eddie forgot to ask for his key back when I surprised Buck two months ago. I jump up the stairs and lay everything out on the counter. I start by filling two pots up with water. I turn the news on and see the fire that's taking the attention of every firefighter in the district. My heart hurts when I see firefighters climbing in through windows. The filming is too shaky for me to make out the number on their uniform. I grab two long rolls and start making garlic bread to fight off the nervous feeling. It takes almost three hours for me to finish everything. It's like some Holy Spirit up above is looking down at me when a car pulls into the dock right when I finish. I stand at the railing of the overlook and smile down seeing Hen and Bobby.

"We've got company," captain announces making everyone look over. Buck is the last one to notice and his eyes brighten when he sees me.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He says in a giddy tone. I laugh when he wraps me in his arms and spins me around.

"Figured the team could use some food," I tell him as everyone filters into the kitchen.

"This smells incredible," Hen says taking it to the table.

I catch Buck looking down at me and smile feeling my cheeks light up, "What?" I ask.

"You just surprise me," he says when everyone sits down, "I can't wait to marry you," he whispers sending a chill down my spine.

"You two love birds ready or what?" Chimney says. We both laugh before walking over to dig in.

Falling For the Firefighter  - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now