Chapter 45: Good news

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--Erica's POV--
When I open my eyes I try to shield them from the sun as Eddie whispers a good morning. I straighten in my seat and see Christopher nowhere to be seen, "How long have I been asleep?" I ask looking around fully taking in my surroundings.

"It's almost 7," he says as Bobby walks over to us with cups of coffee.

"Is everyone still here?" I ask after thanking him.

"Almost. Carla came by and took Christopher and Lydia around 3 in the morning," he tells me as I lean on my legs.

"Has there been any change?" I ask as I stand up.

"Not yet," he says making us both feel less hopeful than we did last night. I excuse myself to go check on him as Bobby steals my seat.

A doctor is walking into the room as I make my way down the hallway. Maddie is following close behind, her eyes looking nervous, "Madds what's happening?" I ask jogging after her. Her eyes are teary as we follow after the doctor.

"What's going on?" I ask as a nurse walks into the room.

"We are taking his oxygen tube out to see if he can breathe on his own," she says as she looks at Maddie.

"And if he can't?" I ask as she takes a breath. Maddie holds my hand as she stands on the other side of his bed. Everyone starts talking but all I can focus on is Buck. I grab his hand as Maddie holds onto my shoulder. The doctor slowly takes the tube out and takes a step back as we watch him. The machine beside her starts beeping and we look at her confused.

"His oxygen is dropping," Maddie whispers as a tear falls from my cheek. Come on Evan. One breath. One breath is all we need. It feels like an eternity as I grasp his hand before he takes a shallow breath in. Maddie and I both let out a choked cheer as we turn to each other. I sit down next to him as the doctor walks out to talk to her about what's about to happen. I bring his hand to my lips as his chest rises and falls with his breathing.

Maddie tells me she's going to tell the others the news before walking into the room. I thank her as I stay glued to his side. Eddie walks in with some hospital cafeteria breakfast, "How long until he wakes up?" He asks sitting down next to me. I look at the sad excuse for eggs and turn back to Eddie.

"By the end of the day," I tell him.

"You should go shower and change. I can stay here until you get back," he says as I shake my head.

"I want to be here when he wakes up," I tell him.

"He probably won't wake up for another couple of hours. I'll call you if he does," he assures me. I nod my head and fully realize how gross I feel from sleeping in the waiting room. I thank him as I grab my phone, kissing Buck on the cheek. It takes almost half an hour for the car to get here and to get back to the apartment. When I walk in it's eerily silent as I kick my shoes off. I lock the door behind me and rush to the shower. I wash the hospital smell out of my hair as I feel the water rushing down my body. A smile is plastered on my face as I think about how Bucks going to wake up today.

Over the next two hours, I clean up the rest of the apartment for when he comes home. I grab Buck a change of clothes and shove them into a duffel bag before walking to the front door. I slide my phone into my pocket and grab the keys to Buck's car. When I finally find his car in the parking garage I shove the bag into the passenger seat before putting the key in.

As I walk into the doors of the hospital I don't see anyone in the waiting room. People probably went home to do the same thing I did. I turn the corner towards his room and see Hen and Chimney walking out while laughing. They smile at me as I walk into the room. I place the bag onto a chair beside the door and turn to see Buck sitting in the bed eating Jello.

"Buck?" I whisper as he gives me an upside-down smile. I run over tackling him in a hug as he groans from the impact, "Eddie said he would call if you woke up while I was gone," I whisper as I pull away. I hear the door open and see everyone walking out to give us privacy, "How are you feeling?" I ask as he shrugs his shoulders.

"I feel a little weird but better now that you're here," he says. I lean down connecting our lips as my hands caress his face.

"I don't know what I would have done without you," I tell him as he moves over in his bed.

"How is Lydia?" He asks wiping the tear that escaped from my eye.

"She's with Carla and Chris. I passed out in the waiting room last night when she was with Maddie," I tell him.

"I can't wait to get out of here. I miss my girls," he says as he pulls me into his arms.

"You had everyone so worried," I tell him as I lay my head on his chest. He lets out a deep breath and I can't help but feel happy hearing the sound. Buck says Eddie's name and I turn my head seeing him standing by the door.

"Sorry I didn't text you. I thought it would be a nice surprise," he says making me smile.

"When did the doctor say I could leave?" He asks making us both laugh.

"Tomorrow night. Depending on how your vitals are," he says as he sits in the chair beside us. I don't know how they do this dangerous job without being terrified. I know this was a freak accident but I could never.

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