Part 10: May's Celebration

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--Erica's POV--

Danny and I have been relaxing all day watching movies becuase he hates going out. We all stayed up late talking about our dates the other night. Danny was clearly jealous we were getting action and he wasn't. I haven't texted Evan for three day because I don't wanna come off as clingy. However, before I left he did ask me out on a date this Friday night.

"How has the job hunt been going?" He asks. I groan and hide under the blanket. I love being with Evan cause he makes me forget all my problem, "Do you have any ideas?" he asks. I peak my head out from under the blanket and think, "I know I want to help people. I want to have a purpose"

"You want to be like Buck?" he asks with a raised eyebrow.

"No, I could never be a firefighter. There has to be another way I can help people," I tell him. The front door opens revealing Mickey.

"Hey hotties," she smirks.

"How was work?" I ask.

"Boring but went by fast"

"Eddie invited the three of us out with them tonight. They are celebrating something for the team," She says. I wonder why Evan didn't text me about it. We all go into our rooms and change. She told us they were celebrating at Athena Grant's house. I think Evan said that his captain and her are a thing. I'm not quite sure. I decide to put on a simple dress not really knowing what we are celebrating. We all meet in the Livingroom and see how differently we are all dressed. Mickey has on dress pants and a cute shirt. While Danny is wearing a black button up and black jeans. It's the same but different. We all pile into Mickey's car and park out front. The house is really nice. Eddie comes outside with Christopher making our smiles even brighter.

"Hey little man," I say, giving him a fist bump. He gives Mickey a hug and introduces himself to Danny. Eddie and him do the typical bro handshake introducing themselves. We follow him inside seeing everyone and a couple people I've never met standing outside and in the house. I see Evan and Bobby outside talking when Hen and Chimney come over giving me a quick hug.

"How have you been?" Hen asks.

"Great, how are you guys?" I ask. I see Maddie walking over with their baby.

"Tired from this little one but good," Chim says making me smile at the couple.

"What are we celebrating by the way? Our invite was last minute and all I heard was party," I laugh, seeing Evan and Bobby still outside talking.

"May has been working at the call center for a year now and we are all so proud of her," Hen says, calling who I assume is May over. She introduces herself and soon gets pulled away by another person, "You must be Bucks new thing," a women says behind me.

"That's me," I smile. I look around and see Danny sitting down with Mickey, Eddie, and Chim. Christopher is with May and Harry. I try to find Evan when I get asked more questions about myself.

Who knew going to a party could be so overwhelming. I haven't talked to Evan all night. Every time I try walking over to him he disappears or is pulled away by his friends. I sit down on the couch and feel the couch move a little. I look over and see May and Maddie.

"Please tell me there are no more questions," I groan.

"Were one big family they just wanna make sure you guys will be a good fit," May tells me.

"One more question, was the bra on the kitchen counter the other morning yours?" she asks making me groan again.

"The funny thing is you almost walked in on me naked"

"How come you haven't been with him all night?" May asks.

"I don't know it's like he's avoiding me,"I look over at him laughing with Eddie and Bobby. Did I do something wrong?

"So, what's it like working at the call center?" I ask them.

"It's amazing. I'm so thankful to be there and have Maddie as my mentor," May tells me. I smile at their sisterly friendship.

"Buck's been telling me about your situation and how you are looking for job," Maddie says, "Do you have any ideas?" May asks.

"I want to help people. People deserve to see their loves ones at the end of the day and if I could help even a little bit for that. I'll do it. I just want to make a difference. Be able to change outcomes of dangerous events"

"The call center could always use another strong women," she says.

"I might take you up on that"

"Come to the call center on Monday, I'll talk to our boss and see if she can find you a spot," Maddie says. The three of us stand up and I give them a hug. I dont think they know how much that means to me. I walk over to the big group and stand next to Evan. I whisper a small hey getting a weird hello back. I furrow my eyebrows and put my hand on his arm which leads to him moving further away. I grab his hand and pull him outside to the front yard. He hesitantly comes with me, "What is your problem?" I ask not wanting to be loud at their party. May is an amazing girl and I hope we grow closer. I don't want to ruin her night, "What are you talking about?" He barely looks me in the eyes.

"Did something happen at work? Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask, putting my hand on his cheek. I feel him lean into my touch as he stares into my eyes, "It's nothing. I've just had a rough couple days," He tells me.

"I know we haven't known each other for that long but I want to be someone you can go to," I whisper as he pulls me in for a hug. I hear him laughing softly and I can now say I am 100% confused. I pull out of the hug and see him still laughing, "What's going on in that head of yours?" I ask.

"Nothing, do you wanna come to my place tonight?" he asks.

"Will it end like the last time?" I smirk, as he puts his arm around me and we walk back inside, "If you want it to".

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