Chapter 41: all at once

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--Erica's POV--
"Buck, could you grab-," I ask as he reaches up and takes a bowl off the top shelf. I thank him as he places it on the counter behind me, "I'm nervous," I tell him as he readjusts Lydia in his arms.

"Did Rosie ever get back to you?" He asks looking at Lydia. I shake my head and try to push away the pang in my heart.

I roll my sleeves up to start coking when there's a knock at the door. I check the time and see it's a couple of hours before everyone would be here, "are you expecting someone?" I ask Buck. He shakes his head with a confused pout as I walk over. I swing the door open and my body tenses. I want to turn to Buck but my legs can't move. My eyes stuck on the people in front of me.

"Mom? Dad?" I whisper as they stand with their bags at the door. They push their way in and I see Rosie standing in the hallway. Her eyes show me an emotion I've been forced to see my entire life. Sorrow and guilt, "I'm happy you made it," I tell her as she rests her hand on my shoulder.

"I tried...." She tells me as I shut the door behind her, "I'm sorry". I shake my head telling her to stop as I rush to Buck's side. I see my mom trying to take Lydia from his arms and feel an overprotective rush come over me.

"It's time for her nap," I state rushing over and taking her from Buck, "We will be right back, excuse us," I tell them not giving them time to stop me.
Buck gives them an awkward nod as I hold Lydia close to my chest. He shuts the door behind us and watches as I put her in the crib, "they can't be here," I whisper feeling my hands become harder to move. He sees my breathing start to pick up and rushes across the room. His arms wrap around me as I try to fight the panic building in my chest.

"Baby. It's going to be okay," he whispers, "Just focus on my voice and everything will be okay," he tells me. He pulls away from the hug and rubs my hands as he sits me down in the rocking chair. I feel like such a fool. I know I'm overreacting but I can't control the pain overflowing in my eyes.

"Why....why did they come?" I whisper as my breathing comes out shuttered, "They couldn't even love me and now they are here to try and get to our daughter," I mutter. He crouches down in front of me and rubs my knees as I outstretch my hands. The joints feel like they are being pulled by imaginary rubber bands.

"Tell me what to do and I'll do it," he says having me focus my attention back on him. I wipe the tears from under my eyes and slowly take a deep breath. He sees me struggling still and pulls me to my feet. His arms wrap around me as he sits back down with me in his lap.

"Lydia has an amazing mother," he says rubbing my side as he watches our daughter lying in her crib, "did you see how fast those motherly instincts kicked in?" He asks making me laugh, "cause I did and I have to say that's one of my favorite things about you," he states.

"What?" I ask playing into his games.

"You care so much about everyone and everything. The first time I saw it was when you asked if the guy that hit you was okay. Even though he was texting and still worried about him," he says as I think about the first time I saw his uniform, "I won't lie I thought you were insane but it drew me in," he says making me laugh.

"Thank you," I whisper not wanting to move from his arms, "I just...I just hate how much effect they have over me," I tell him.

"I'm the one person in this world you will never have to explain yourself to. I understand shitty parents...and if you want me to kick them out. I will," he says moving a piece of hair out of my face.

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