Part 15: I'm Waiting on Him

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--Erica's POV--

"I wish you weren't related to Evan. I can't tell you all the juicy details of our relationship," I state, as we sit down with our coffee. May looks offended as she joins us at the table for our break of the day, "May, it feels weird telling you about my sex life when you are so much younger".


"Spare us the sexual details tell us what happened when you walked out that night," Maddie tells me, putting her hands under her chin and leaning into the conversation.

"We had a fight and I messed up by not telling him how I really felt. I wanted to fix it so I went to his house and just kissed him. I told him I wanted to be with him and then....I ended up staying the night," I tell them, making May laugh and Maddie cringe, "not like that," I assure. Maddie gives me a look turning her head to the side, "Quick question, why haven't you told Mickey any of this?" she asks.

"How did you know I haven't been talking to Mickey?" I ask.

"Mickey told Eddie, which led to him telling Buck, which led to him telling me. It's one big drama cycle and I'm surprised he hasn't talked to you about it yet," she says.

"I still haven't talked to Danny after our fight. Evan has been letting me crash with him cause his parents are staying in my room for however long. I forget what he said and I don't care to ask him. I feel bad for cutting off Mickey but I'm not ready to go in there," I tell them, sipping my coffee.

"You still haven't talked to him since early last week?" May asks, opening a pack of candy and passing us some.

"I know. I should just get over it but he should be the one reaching out not the other way around," I say, putting my foot down.

"Yeah, screw men," May cheers.

"Have you been talking to anyone recently?"

Mays cheek light up as she ignores the question going back to work. Maddie and I look at each other, quickly walking after her trying not to disturb anyones work. May is already back in her chair taking a call meaning we cant bother her. Damn that girl can run. My phone vibrates in my pocket as we go towards our desks and I can't help but smile when I see the name Birth Mark.

Birth Mark: I'm taking you to dinner tonight. Tell Maddie

Erica: Are we doubling with her and Chim?!?!

Birth Mark: maybe.....

Erica: I'm so excited see you tonight

I didn't think this through. I have nothing nice to wear that's at Evans apartment. It's all comfy and work clothes. He also never said where we are going. I'm assuming this bar they always go to together.  I'll hopefully convince Evan to do some karaoke. I'm sitting in Evans apartment dreading the trip to my own. I still don't have a car and I've been getting rides from either Maddie, Evan, or May. I feel bad but they know I can't afford my own right now. Luckily the walk to the apartment wont take long. The door from downstairs opens causing an involuntary smile onto my face. I hear him call my name and skip down the stairs crashing into him. He laughs on impact making a groaning sound, "Slow down speed racer," He says, giving me a quick kiss.

"Sorry. I'm going to mine now. I'll be back in a little while," I tell him as he picks me up. He always picks me up like I weigh nothing and I'm not some 100 pound girl. I'd say I have a medium sized body and I know he works out a lot and his biceps are dreamy but god damn. He places me on the counter with his arms around my waist.

"What if we cancel tonight and stay in?" he asks, kissing my neck. My arms make their way to his chest, pushing him away slowly. He licks his lips slightly driving me crazy, "We have no time," I smile, hopping off the counter. He smacks my ass making me laugh as I grab my keys.



I finally make it to the apartment after a good ten minutes. I have to start working out again. I take my key out and open the door seeing its empty inside. Thank god. I quickly go into my room seeing suit cases and hurry. I grab a small bag and put in a black long sleeve shirt, plaid pants and a pair of black shoes to match. I hear a door from outside open and close and curse them out in my head. I open my door and walk out seeing Mickey and Eddie. Oh thank god. I step into the room and say hello scaring Mickey.

"Jesus a warning"

"Sorry, I had to get clothes for a date night..." I say feeling awkward.

"I'm still offended we weren't invited to that double date night," Eddie laughs trying to break the tension.

"You guys should come. We are leaving in an hour for the karaoke bar," I tell them, readjusting the bag on my shoulder. I can see them talking with their eyes, "We can't, I have to get Christopher in an hour and Mickey is going to dinner with Danny and his parents, " Eddie says.

"Right.....okay. I'll see you guys later then," I smile, grabbing my purse off the couch.

"Will we though?" Mickey asks. I freeze and can feel my blood boiling.

"I'm waiting on him," I say, shutting the door behind me.



I enter Evans apartment again and go straight to his bedroom to place my stuff down on the bed. I hear a terrible sound from the bathroom and can't help laughing. God he is such a good looking man but he cannot sing for shit. I tiptoe my way inside and sit on the counter top as he continues singing the circle of life. However, instead of singing the whole song he screams the words, 'its the circle of life' and mumbles the rest. His phone buzzes beside me and I see a text from Eddie. I do not snoop on other peoples phones. I'm just so curious. I put my hand on the phone and stop myself. It's not worth losing his trust.

"Do you mind if I join you?" I ask, standing off the counter. He turns off the water grabbing a towel from the rack. He opens the curtain standing in the shower. Water droplets drip from his hair down his chest towards his perfect v line. I can't help but stare at him. He steps out towering over me, "We don't have time," he teases.

Evan Buckley this isn't over.

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