Part 32: break in

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--Erica's POV--
Evan walks into the living room holding my phone for me, "Maddie's calling". I smile and answer the call.

Maddie: hey...May called and said she was having boy problems

Erica: With Daniel?

Maddie: yeah...she said he's been ignoring her and that she doesn't know what to do

Erica: so we are planning a charcuterie and wine day with her?

Maddie: maybe not the wine but yes

Erica: Sounds perfect I'll get ready

Maddie: I'll pick you up in 30

Erica: love you bye

"What's up?" He asks, going to sip on a beer. I run over taking it from his hands. He glared at me and throws his head back on the couch, "you got to stop doing that," he tells me.

"You can't drink on your meds, you work with paramedics how do you not understand this," I tell him.

"What was the phone call?" He asks again. I put the beer in the fridge and walk back into the living room.

"Maddie and I are going to help May with boy issues. You cannot tell Bobby and definitely not Athena," I tell him. He holds his hands up in defense. I jog up the stairs and change into some leggings and a comfy sweater. As I turn to go downstairs I feel his hands on me.

"I swear you are more horny after the accident," I smirk. He grabs my ass pulling me into his arms, "Buck, I have to go soon," I tell him. He kissed down my neck making it hard to resist, "Make it quick... Maddie is on her way," I say breathlessly. He wasted no time and throws me onto the bed.


"Erica hurry up May is waiting," she yells up.

"Putting on my shoes,"I yell down, as Buckley looks proud of his work. I stand up and my legs feel sore as he puts his arms behind his head.

"I hate you Evan Buckley," I say rolling my eyes.

"I love you too," he whispers kissing my cheek. I carefully go downstairs and meet up with Maddie she goes to give me a hug but I dodge it knowing she wouldn't wanna touch me after. She gives me a weird look and sees Buck staring down at us. She cringes and walks me out of the apartment.

"Y'all are disgusting"


"May, what did you mean by ignore you?" I ask as we get comfy in her apartment. She takes a piece of cheese and shoves it into her mouth.

"We went on a date and then the next morning he didn't text me which was weird. Then two days pass and he doesn't text me. It's been a week now," she tells us.

"I know this is gonna sound gross but did you guys....?" Maddie asks.

"No...we didn't. We made out a bit but that's all I let him do. We've been talking for what 1-2 months and he's never been like this," she tells us. She stares at her phone making us sad.

"Have you texted him?" I ask.

"I texted him hey and he just responded with small phrases and went back to ignoring me," she tells us.

"Boys suck"

"Preach," I tell her.

"What do you mean preach? You literally were having sex as I picked you up," Maddie sasses. I widen my eyes and smack her leg.

"Stop he's been weird lately," I tell them. May sits up and sips on her drink. Maddie looks at me grossed out.

"Weird how?" May asks.

"He's very touchy now...he told me he loved me the other night and I haven't been this happy in years," I tell them.

"You guys are so cute," May tells me.

"I'm happy for you guys but if you have sex while I'm coming over one more time," she threatens.

"I can't believe I used to have a crush on Buck," May says. We both whip our head and look at her with wide eyes.

"You had a crush on Buck?" I ask shocked. She starts blushing and sinks into her chair, "maybe....he was a hot young firefighter, come on I feel like that's expected," she says.

"Y'all nasty. I see you more as an Eddie girl to me," Maddie says.

"Speaking of Eddie why isn't Mickey here?" May asks. I freeze and look at them, "have you guys not heard?" I ask.

"She cheated on Eddie when he was surprising her with a dinner date," I tell them.

"Oh my god, how is he?" Maddie asks. I inform them about the other night and they start worrying for him.


I pull in the girls for a hug and hear May say she got a text, "it's from Daniel....he said he's sorry for ignoring me he's been having family issues. He asked to come over and talk it out," she smiles.

"Sounds like we should get out of here," I say. May hugs us again and starts cleaning up her apartment.

"Young love," she smiles.


I open the apartment door and see all the lights off. I call for Buck but there's no answer, must of went out with Eddie. By the time I strip out of my clothes the shower is perfectly warm. The speaker starts playing my favorite song when it dies. He never charges it. I finish washing myself when I hear a bang in the living room. All I wanna do is watch some tv and go to bed. I'm exhausted. I grab my towel from outside the curtain, wrapping it around myself. The mirror is all foggy from the steam of the shower. I use my hand to run along it, showing my appearance. I quickly put on my pajamas. Once my hair is tied up the bathroom door opens. I turn around to say hi to Evan when I see a man in a mask. I run at the door and try slamming the door shut. Tears fall from my eyes as I fight for it to close. I slip on the wet floor and get hit by the door as I fall. The man kicks me in the side, running to the medicine cabinet. He takes the pain meds for Bucks coma and the ones from my car accident. I try to get up when he comes over with a knife, "please...I don't know who you are let me live. I wouldn't be any help to the police," I cry. He squats down running the knife along my cheek. I take the opportunity and kick him, pushing him to the ground.

My feet carry me into the living room. I almost make it to the door when he tackles me. He sits above me holding my hands above my head. The knife cuts another line on my face. His fist collides with my head making everything blurry. Once he decides I had enough he runs out of the apartment as I'm laying on the floor.

I crawl to my phone hitting Bucks contact. He picks up the phone whiting seconds, "hey baby, Eddie and I are almost home with dinner,"he says, hearing the sound of my crying. My phone goes dead and my head pounds from where he hit me. I try to stand up but my legs feel weak and the pain in my stomach makes me nauseous. The front door swings open and I see Eddie and Buck running over. I break down into his arm and see Eddie looking around.

Falling For the Firefighter  - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now