Part 20: Cheese

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--Erica's POV--

I swear every shift feels longer and longer. I love it here and I definitely want to stay but I need a day off. There was a giant pile up one day, a ferris wheel collapsing the next, everyday more and more people are in danger. It's scary and I'm surprised people still leave their houses. A hand taps my shoulder meaning its my time to leave. I grab my purse and link arms with Maddie as we walk towards the elevator.

"How do you and Chimney do it?" I ask.

"Love, and we have the baby. You guys will find a rhythm," she says, walking out of the elevator with me to our cars. I give her a hug before going towards my own. Today was a rough day and Maddie wanted to go out for dinner tonight to take my mind off it. I ranted to Josh and her about how terrible hang ups are. I want to know if they are okay. Josh proceeded to tell me Maddie complained about the same thing her first couple shifts. I just want to know if they are okay. If something good is happening from what I'm saying. How do I know if I'm doing a good job? I look at the time and see that it's 9 pm and try to think of places open to get food. I text Evan and see if he wants anything and he texts back he already got us food. I smile, pulling out of the call center. The drive is about 10 minutes with no traffic. I'm using a rental currently so I'm not in the way of anybody. It's costing me a little bit but I'm almost to the goal of this car Buck and I saw at a dealership near by. It's eating away at my savings but good thing I have a job.

I open his front door and see him sitting at the table with two plates set out. A candle is lite in the middle with dim lighting around the kitchen. I can't fight the smile on my face as I drop my bag to the floor. He stands up walking over to me giving me a quick kiss, "What's all this?" I ask, connecting our lips again before he brings me over towards the table. He sits me down in front of a plate of my favorite foods. There are chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, and iced tea in our glasses, "We both had a tough week and I thought why not celebrate it with some gourmet food". I grab his hand on the table and smile, "I love it". He holds up his iced tea, clinking it on my glass, "To helping he people of this city"

"And to you for being the best boyfriend a women could have"

He rolls his eyes stealing one of my nuggets. I slap his hand away shoving one in my mouth. I love how casual we are. I'm so happy to be with him. I never realized how childish my food tastes are. This is going to be the best meal I've ever eaten in my life.

Falling For the Firefighter  - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now