Part 34: Unexpected News

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--Erica's POV--

"My body feels like I was just hit by a bus," I groan as I sit up in bed. Buck gives me a sympathetic smile as he runs up the stairs with a tray of food, "Did you make food?" I ask as he sits down beside me. He lays a small kiss on the side of my head and tells me I need to keep my strength.

"How are you feeling?" he asks as he rubs my knee over the blanket.

"Better than I thought I would be...but still scared," I tell him slowly sipping on the water he gave me, "I think I might start taking self-defense classes...I hated how helpless I felt against him," I tell him feeling embarrassed about the whole thing.

"I'll help you find some classes nearby and I can teach you some moves," He offers making me smile again. I wince as the cut on my cheek stings from the movement and take a bite of the food.

"You know you don't have to skip out on your shift for me right?" I ask passing him a piece of bacon. He shakes his head and tells me to stop being ridiculous as he bites into it.

"I'd rather be here with you," He says as he stands up, "I might have made a mess in the kitchen preparing this so I'll be back," he says walking towards the stairs. He runs back and gives me a small kiss before whispering he loves me. I whisper it back and watch as he bounces back down the stairs.

I continue eating when the doorbell rings and I hear the front door open. I hear Buck calling my name and slowly stand up to look over the railing. He tells me someone is at the door and I walk down confused. I turn the corner and see Mickey standing holding flowers and a "Get Well Soon" balloon.

"I heard what happened and I...I wanted to check on you," She says placing the flowers on the counter.

"Thank you...." I whisper rubbing the back of my neck, "That's really sweet," I tell her as I give her a small smile. I can see her looking at the cuts on my face and shift under her eyes, "Did you want some coffee?" I ask motioning towards the kitchen. She nods her head and Buck says he's gonna go upstairs as I walk to the coffee pot. I thank him with a small handhold as he walks past. I pour her a small cup with some milk and sugar, before sliding it over.

"How have you been?" I ask as she sits down at the counter.

"Eddie finally talked to me," She says.

"How did that go?" I ask.

"It was a mistake and he understands how sorry I am," She says making my heart twinge.

"Why did you do it?" I ask confused why she would ruin what they could have had.

She sighs and runs a tired hand through her hair as she puts her cup down, "I got scared of having something real. He's too good for me and I didn't want to risk Christopher getting closer to me. It was selfish but I never had something so serious and it scared me," She says.

"Why didn't you talk to him.....or to me?" I ask.

"I don't even know but I know I fucked up," she says, "Is there any way we could still be friends?" she asks as I hold onto the counter for support. She sees me struggling and calls Buck down as she pulls over a chair. My vision starts getting splotchy as I grab ahold of the chair.

"What happened?" Buck asks as he runs over and grabs my hand.

"She looked out of it so I grabbed a chair. What did the doctors say?" She asks as I close my eyes and feel my head getting heavier. I hear them speaking but their words don't sound right as everything blacks out.


"Erica? Are you awake?" Someone asks as a light shines in my eyes. I scrunch my face and move my head to make it stop as they drop my eye. I lean into a pillow and look around seeing a doctor in front of me as Evan stands behind the window with Eddie and Maddie.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"You passed out. Do you remember anything?" He asks as I shake my head remembering Mickey in the kitchen and Buck running over, "We are going to run a couple more tests. Another doctor will come in the check your vitals in a little bit," He says before walking out. As soon as he opens the door the other three are running in the see how I am.

"I'm fine," I assure them as Maddie gives me an annoyed look, "I promise it was probably just some fluke," I tell him as Buck takes the seat beside me.

"Do you need anything?" he asks.

"I need to never see the inside of these walls ever again," I tell him with a small laugh. Maddie's phone rings and she gives me a sad smile as she tells me she has to get back to work. I thank her for coming and give her a quick hug as she runs out. Eddie says he also has to get going and I give him a fist bump as he walks out.


"How much longer could this take?" I groan as I look at the clock. It's been hours and we have been stuck in here with the shitty tv. Buck even stole my jello when I was sleeping. He goes to speak when the door opens answering my prayers. As they start telling me about my test results I feel my heart pounding as I try to understand what they are saying. I feel Evan looking at me and trying to think of something to say to him as the nurse checks my vitals next to me.

"How far along?" I ask feeling my mouth become dry as I think about how everything is going to change.

"You are about five weeks and the baby is just fine. However we would like you to come in on weekly checkups because of the trauma n your stomach," he says as he looks between Buck and me. The baby was conceived right before Buck's accident

"I was drinking," I whisper feeling sick at the thought of hurting the child inside of me.

"Since it was so early into the pregnancy most likely the baby is fine. But that's something we can keep an eye on during your appointments," he explains letting me release the breath I didn't know I was holding. He excuses himself to let us speak as I sit there silently having nothing to say.

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