Chapter 37: life goes on

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--Erica's POV--

Buck holds the door open for me as we walk into the building, my legs almost give out when I see the "Closed for Repairs" sign on the elevator, "this cannot be happening," I whisper as he helps me sit down on a chair in the lobby.

"I could carry you," he says making me laugh at the thought.

"I don't think carrying an eight-month-pregnant lady up the stairs is a good idea," I tell him as he holds his arm out to help me stand up again.

"It's only like....9 flights up," he says with an awkward smile. I nod my head as he opens up the stairway door. My eyes follow the path of the stairs as it goes up and up and up.

About halfway up in out of breath as Buck is standing behind me so I don't fall down the stairs, "This is some kind of medieval torture," I complain.

It takes like 15 minutes to climb the rest as Buck whispers encouraging words. I immediately collapse onto the couch holding my stomach as he locks the door behind us, "Do you think the baby will be a fitness junkie like you?" I ask as he grabs me a water.

He purses his lips as he thinks about it and I can see the ideas popping into his head, "It would be fun to have someone to go to the gym within like 10 years," he says with a laugh.

I look at my phone and see we still have around two hours before Eddie and Maddie come over, "I have this wild idea," I tell him as I put my phone down. He pops his eyebrow up and looks over waiting for me to speak, "What if we take a nap before they come over?" I ask with a wide smile.

He nods his head looking like he's about to pass out any second. I look at the stairs and he gives me a look as he stands up. We can't stop laughing as he helps me off the couch. After another couple of minutes, I'm finally in bed and ready to sleep for the next year.


"I feel bad they look so cute," Maddie whispers as a camera flashes. I squint my eyes as I turn my head seeing Eddie and her standing on the stairs.

"Morning sunshine," he says as they both walk down the stairs laughing. I shake Buck's shoulder and he groans asking for more sleep.

"They are here," I tell him as I get to my feet. There's some movement on the bed and he's sitting up hugging me from behind. His hand rubs over my stomach and my heart aches as he kissed my lower back, "Come on. We haven't seen them out of work in a while," I tell him. As I start walking to the stairs he rushes up and helps me walk down.

"Sorry, we forgot to set an alarm," I smile as Eddie passes Buck a beer from the fridge.

Maddie shakes her head and tells us it's no biggie, "When are you going on maternity leave?" She asks.

"Officially this week. May said she would cover the rest of my shifts," I tell her trying to ignore the ache in my back.

"Ahhh this is so exciting," she blurts out as she looks around the apartment at all the baby stuff we have been collecting.

"The only thing I'm worried about is space," I tell her as the guys walk over to the couch. Buck sits beside me throwing his arm around me.

"It's gonna be great. I started apartment hunting in the area with our budget," he says surprising me.

"Actually? But you love this place," Eddie says just as surprised as I am.

"Yes but I love them more," he says making them fake gag, "Stop this is what's best for my family," he argues. I can't help the smile growing on my face as he pulls up some properties on his phone.

Throughout the hangout, Eddie convinced Buck to go to a bar tonight. I had to assure Buck it was fine a million times before he walked out of the door, "Finally I thought they would never leave," Maddie says as I sit back down.

"He's been amazing throughout this entire thing. I think he's forgotten this is a two-way street," I tell her.

"I don't think I've seen Buck this excited about anything. Half the time he just goes with the flow," she says making me smile.

"Bobby is here at least once a week helping us prepare. They built the crib, baby-proofed the apartment, and put better locks on the front door by the time I was 7 months," I tell her.

"Have you thought about telling your family? I know it's a rough history but maybe it will be a good way to connect again," she says making me realize I never thought about them at all. It never crossed my mind that my parents would now be grandparents and they might want to meet them.

"I just think it would do more harm than good. Instead of focusing on the baby it would be 'pregnant and not even married?' Or 'what's your plan for the future since he has such a dangerous job?" I tell her, "But I would love to get in touch with Rosie...." I think out loud.

"So then do it. It's nice to be surrounded by the people you love when the baby comes," she tells me. I gasp as I feel the baby kick.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to this"


I wake up to the sound of the front door opening and Eddie laughing as he helps Buck inside, "Shhh...she's probably sleeping," Eddie whispers as he stumbles along. I sit up in bed and widen my eyes as I hear the couch moving.

"You're not gonna be the only dilf on the team," Buck says while laughing. His voice trying to whisper but in his drunk state, he can't tell he's extremely loud.

"Come on time for bed," Eddie says pushing him up the stairs. I lose it when Buck gasps when he sees me. I thank Eddie for getting him home as he trudges back downstairs to sleep on the couch. I'm guessing Christopher is with Carla.

"Hey baby," he whispers laying down on the bed in front of me. I go to say it back but I see him looking at my stomach. I place his pillow beside my stomach and he lays down never taking his eyes off me. My hands run through his hair as he slowly starts falling asleep beside me.

"Goodnight Buck"

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